~The little love nest pt.3~

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Chapter 3
The morning after:

The snow had finally stopped falling and a soft morning sun was breaking through the bedroom shutters. Meredith and Derek were still sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. Their chests rose slowly to the rhythm of their breaths, almost in unison.

Derek was the first to wake up. As usual. Meredith could  sleep like a rock at times. He was careful not to move too much so as not to wake his wife, who had her head resting on his chest and one of her arms stretched limply above him, as if to make sure he didn't escape. He smiled. Meredith did this a lot, unconsciously most of the time, probably because despite everything they had been through she was still afraid of losing him. It was understandable, Meredith Grey's life hadn't been an easy ride and a lot of people had left without her being able to do anything about it. She was getting better and better, in part because she was now convinced that he loved her more than anything, but the fear of abandonment would probably never leave her.

Still without making the slightest movement, the surgeon laid his eyes on her. Her face was partially hidden by the hair cascading over it, but he could guess her peaceful demeanor. A demeanor she only got when she slept. He resisted the urge to brush her hair away from her face so that he could observe her at will, instead he sighed happily. She was really all he needed. Waking up next to her, holding her in his arms... he would give all he owned for that.

"You really have to stop staring at me when I'm asleep" Meredith muttered, just like she had done a few years earlier when they first started their relationship.

"I admired that for once you weren't snoring" he scoffed, kissing her on the forehead as she looked up at him.

"I don't snore anymore, Derek."

"Yes you do. By the way, it's still charming... the noise you make."

Meredith smiled as she slapped him gently on the chest. She then stretched into his arms and finally stood up, wrapping her naked body in the sheet that, God knows how, had ended up on the floor next to their bed.

"I'm going to take a shower. Wanna join?"

Hell yeah, of course he wanted to join! He really couldn't refuse such an invitation. He stumbled out of bed in the pile of clothes spread all over the floor and followed the blonde into the adjoining bathroom.

Meredith was already in the shower stall. She was waiting for him with a smile that spoke volumes about what she had in mind.  He would never be immune to this smile!

It took a while for him to join her under the scorching stream of water, because even after all these years she still managed to make it quite impossible for him to breathe when she looked at him like that. One day she was going to kill him . Cause of death: smile of lust personified. He had never been able to describe what it did to him, but he was sure Meredith Grey had the power to bypass his brain with just a look.

After a few seconds (during which he had most likely kept his mouth wide open and his eyes too) he shook his head and finally got into the shower cabin. Cabin that was much less spacious than their shower back home in Seattle. It was all the better, because that way his wife's body was pressed deliciously against his. She winked at him as she felt exactly how much he enjoyed it against her thigh and she slipped her hand between their two bodies just to tease him in with her hand, stroking his length. She laughed. She was really going to kill him . And then she stopped touching him and handed him a flower of shower full of soap, whispering in his ear:

"Hey... do you mind washing my back?"

Oh, he could see exactly what game she was playing there, and he, poor guy, had never learned to deny her anything. He smiled back at her and started soaping her back with the flower of shower, but also his hands ( he was only human, he really couldn't resist that ).

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