The Complex Nature of Our Existence pt.2

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Chapter 2:
In Which Good News Come Again...

Damn it Shepherd, take the step. Let go of the rail and take the damn step

Derek let go of the rail and moved his left foot forward without holding onto the rail. Once his foot reached the ground, he smiled. He'd been doing physical therapy for the last two weeks with Callie to try to improve his walking. His recovery was long and tedious. He was tired of not being able to be independent in his own home and having to rely on a walker or a chair. He was exhausted from not being able to play with kids or carry them like he did before the accident. He was tired and he needed to get better.

As he prepared to take the next step he heard the door open. Meredith walked into the physical therapy room with her hands in her coat pockets. She smiled as she made her way towards him.


Derek grinned and put both his hands back on the railing.

Okay, you need a break. And if she sees you tired, she's gonna worry.

He returned her smile, "Hey."

Meredith stopped next to him as she glanced from his chair and back to him, "Callie says you've been pushing this PT thing hard."

He'd been pushing himself since he had started and it worried her. She made it a point to send an intern every now and then to grab something from the PT room just to have someone check in on him.

Derek rolled his eyes as he leaned down to peck her lips, "Oh yeah, she's merciless."

Meredith pulled back and looked him in the eyes. She knew he was running out of patience being bound to the chair and then the walker. Callie was tough but knew his limits. She had mentioned to Meredith that she was worried about him.

If he continues pushing himself the way he is, he can cause more damage. He needs to be patient, Meredith.

Meredith raised an eyebrow as she stared at her husband, "She's merciless or you're impatient?"

Derek turned back and reached for the chair. He sighed knowing he was about to be given a speech, "I need to get better. I am getting better."

She shook her head, "You can't hurt yourself. You have to take it slow. Be patient."

"I'm fine. I promise."

Meredith rolled her eyes, "You don't look fine."

Derek sat down and looked at her, "I am. I'm a little sore, but I'm fine."

Meredith huffed and began to pace around a short area of the room as Derek continued to stare at her. She stuffed her hands back into her pockets and stared at the floor as she went from one side to the other.

He knew she worried and she didn't want him to overdo it. She'd been overwhelmed with him, the kids, and her service. She was good at hiding it from him but he knew better.

He sighed, "Tell me something. Tell me anything." 

Without looking at him Meredith grumbled, "What do you want me to tell you?"

Derek smiled, "Tell me about your day. Distract me from the pain. What did you cut today?"

If he got her talking about some great surgery she had scrubbed in on, her mood would change. She'd be excited and would explain everything in detail.

Meredith avoided his gaze and began to stutter, "I, I- I um-I have a very boring caseload. I have nothing interesting to tell."

He furrowed his eyebrows, "Oh c'mon, there's always something going on."

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