allergic or otherwise

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allergic or otherwise

After a few minutes spent carding his fingers through her hair and lavishing his wife with kisses, his nose starts to run in earnest once more, enough that his careful sniffles aren't enough to keep his cold at bay. "Meredith," he whines playfully, giving her the cutest, most pathetic blow he can manage and his best sad-puppy eyes over the fabric pressed to his face. "My nose is bothering me again."

She does laugh this time, taking the washcloth from his hand and kissing his knuckles. "Is that so?" Her eyes twinkle with amusement, especially as he sniffles again, slow and wet, blinking owlishly at her.

"Yes. I need a hot doctor to take care of me." His wife runs one finger slowly down to the bulb, dusting over the flushed skin and pulling the ever-present itch to the forefront of his senses.

"Hmmm. What's in it for the hot doctor?"

Derek has allergies. Definitely just allergies. Because world-renowned genius neurosurgeons are immune to the common cold, apparently. Meredith rolls her eyes and takes care of her husband anyway.

Self-indulgent sickfic/sneeze kink MerDer, because for a hospital show, this fandom really lacks hurt/comfort content. Absolutely readable/enjoyable even if sneezing isn't your jam. Complete with overdramatic Greys-style monologue and tooth-rotting fluff.

TW: nondescriptive mentions of mess, hyperdetailed descriptions of colds/cold symptoms

So it's kind of mean, but from this story i'm only going to post the summary today because first the summary itself is pretty long plus i want or better say hope the notes are read so everyone who doesn't like this one-shot/ story can skip it. I get that some people are might not interested in reading that and it's totally fine.
And second it only has one real chapter and i don't really know what else to post. Haha.

So if you have stories/ one shots written by yourself or from a website (preferably ao3) pleasee DM me :)

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