The Complex Nature of Our Existence

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One-shots in which the Grey-Shepherds are still in their dream house and riding ferryboats. (AU)

The Complex Nature of Our Existencecindersandotherlovestories

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The Complex Nature of Our Existence

Chapter 1:
In Which the Kids Convinced Derek to Get a Dog...

"Absolutely not!"

"But why?" Bailey whined as his mother made her way around the kitchen island.

Meredith shook her head in frustration as she tossed the rememenants of their dinner in the trash and loaded the dishwasher.

"Because your dad and I are busy with work, you and your sisters are at school most of the day..."

Zola and Ellis trailed behind with plates and placemats in her hand ready to side with her brother, "But we're all home on the weekend!"

"Mom please, we promise we'll take care of him or her!"

"Pleaaasssseee," Ellis chimed in as she looked up at her mother. Sometimes she gave her the same look Derek did when he wanted something but Derek swore that her look was inherited from Meredith because it got him to submit to everything she wanted.

Bailey turned to Derek as he walked towards them with dirty wine glasses and cups in his hand.

"Dad, you said it was a good idea!"

There it was. Meredith should've known, he cooked dinner and poured wine as soon as she walked in through the door. He had her all warmed up and ready before the kids brought up the topic of getting a dog.

"So you had already told them yes?"

Derek shot a look at Bailey, "Uh no, I think I said you should bring it up to Mom first."

Meredith shot him a look, "Derek!"

"Don't blame me, I said we had to ask you."

Lies. The kids brought it up to him last week when he picked up the kids from school and Bailey shared that a friend at school had a new dog. He asked Derek if they could get one and the girls agreed they needed a dog. The whole ride home was pleading and reasoning why they deserved a dog and how they would take care of it. After enough begging, he was convinced. Since then, they'd been hatching up a plan to tell Meredith.

Derek smirked, "Remember when we had Doc? You can't tell me you didn't like having him around even if he wasn't house broken!"

Meredith scoffed, "Oh yes, when Doc lived with you in your trailer and I still called him our dog? Who could forget that!"

"Well he was 'our' dog-"

Zola's ears perked up at the mention of Doc, "Wait, you and mom had a dog?"

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