~He called Post-It~

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A/n: This story only has this one "chapter" and will according to the author on ao3 only consist of one. So different to the other published ones it won't have more parts.
Also everything written in italic and moved right are flashbacks.
Ok now have fun with reading.

As Meredith leaves to the hospital, Derek spends the day with the kids going over what led to where they were now. (based on episode 11x17)

He Called Post-It cindersandotherlovestories

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He Called Post-It

Broken. That's all he saw. Broken glass and a blue post-it wrinkled at its edges. Like someone had yanked it off the wall and threw it away.

Derek stood at the foot of the bed and stared at their Post-It. A sacred blue scrap of paper that represented everything about their marriage. It held all that was sacred between him and Meredith. It was framed in this sacred place that was their bedroom.

To love each other even when we hate each other.

No running.

Take care of each other when we're old and senile

This is forever.

But he broke his vows. He ran.

If he could go back in time, he'd stay. He'd stay and make sure he followed through with his promise to Meredith. He'd give her the year he promised to focus on her career. He'd be there for her when she was going crazy after finding out Maggie was her sister. He'd take back what he said about Meredith being like her mother. He'd be home with his kids helping Zola learn how to ride her bike and helping Bailey take his first steps. He'd be home.

Instead, he ran. Like the coward he was. His marriage got tough and his ambition was too high, he just had to chase it. Yes, Meredith told him to go. He could still see the anger and look of betrayal in her eyes. The tears she held back in her anger as she watched him make the call. But what did he do? He smugly walked away. He was an ass and he knew it. He should've stayed. He would've stayed, but his pride got the best of him.

As he stood there staring at the broken glass and the post-it, he heard tiny footsteps making their way to the bedroom. Derek turned to the door and noticed Zola run in and stop as soon as she saw her dad.


"Hi princess!"

Zola ran into her father's arms. He picked his daughter up and held her close. He had missed this. Holding his kids close to him and shielding them from the world. But when did she get so tall?

"Daddy, are you home forever?"

Zola cupped his face as she leaned back to look at him. Brown eyes met sad blue ones. He couldn't let his daughter see the doubt in them because the truth was that when Meredith came home, the answer could very well be no.

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