Ferry Boat Scrub Caps

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Ferry Boat Scrub CapsFlamingarcher93 (Orthoxgoddess), Orthoxgoddess

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Ferry Boat Scrub Caps
Flamingarcher93 (Orthoxgoddess), Orthoxgoddess

An AU take on Derek's accident.

After Derek was hit by a semi-truck, he's taken to Grey Sloan Memorial instead of Dillard, giving him the best chance.


Chapter 1:
Everything was bright.

Bright lights, bright sun shining from outside. It hurt his eyes. He brought his hand up to them to shield them, tugging his IV slightly and making him hiss in pain. He brought his hand down, turning it over so his palm was facing up and then turning it back so he could inspect the IV. They did a pretty good job. He must be somewhere good. When he looked around he noticed familiar things. The symbol on the door of the ICU room told him he was at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital. It seemed strange to him. Had he woken in a parallel universe where Meredith and Mark were married? Was he still in Seattle? He had to be if that was the name on the door.

He hadn't taken much notice of the other things in the room but his eyes finally landed on the empty chair beside his bed. It had a jacket slung over the back and there was a purse. Maybe Addison had been there and had gone for some coffee, but the jacket didn't look like something she would wear.

He frowned as he continued to try to piece things together. It made his head hurt. He looked down at his body in the bed, his mind finally registering he was holding something in his right hand. The 'call' button. He pressed the it firmly and looked up as if someone would appear like a genie. When no one appeared he pressed it again, growing impatient now.

Finally. A nurse appeared in the doorway. She looked stunned. How long had he been asleep?

"Dr Shepherd, you're awake."

He frowned a little, her words echoing in his ears. Was he not meant to be? He tried to do a mental check of how he felt. He had a slight headache, the lights were too bright, they were hurting his eyes. That could be the cause of the headache. When he reached up to his head he had a dressing around it. No, that's the cause of the headache. He frowned and continued with his mental assessment.

He was halfway down his body when he heard a voice from the doorway. The nurse was still there but standing in front of her was Meredith. His heart lurched, his stomach flipped. Butterflies, Derek. He told himself. She looked different. Older maybe? It confused him. He couldn't understand why she would be older.

"Meredith, hi." He was so grateful she was there. He wanted to touch her, hold her hand, hold her close. She made him feel safe and he felt anything but safe right now. He felt confused and tired. "Meredith, what happened to me?"


Something was wrong. She had felt it. In the pit of her stomach, Meredith knew something was wrong. Sitting on the couch in their living room, the kids were long asleep, it was late and she still had not gotten any news from Derek. The lights. Flashing blue and red lights through their grand windows had confirmed that feeling she had. Seeing the cops standing on her front porch as she opened the door, it felt like the world had come crashing down on her. That was it, it was over, she thought instantly. It brought her right back to that dream, years ago, that she had been having, of Derek dying in a car crash. When the cops informed her that he had been taken to Grey-Sloan, Meredith woke Zola, picked up Bailey from his crib and got him settled in the car seat, trying not to wake him up, then she buckled Zola up, grabbed her purse and headed straight to the hospital.

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