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"Rosie" Lisa call while knocking at the door.It's been two days the blonde didn't come out of Lisa room.She's been locking herself in the room since she and Lisa came back from hospital two days ago.

"Please Rosie.Open the door.Don't be like this.Don't lock yourself up.You don't even eat the food I send to you." she stare at the tray below there on the floor which is perfectly untouched.Everything just stay the same like the time she put it there.The food and water had gone cold by now.

"It's always here,outside this door everytime I come here to check on you" Lisa tugged her hand in her hair and ruffle it harshly,making her bang and her hair messy.

Just like Rosie,Lisa had been frustratingly want everything come back to usual.She want the same old Rosie back even though that version of the blonde scare the hell out of her.She miss the death glare,the touch,the yell,the teasing voice,the angelic look of the blonde and most of all,Lisa miss the presence of Rosie beside her everyday.After her wife locking herself in the room,not allowing anyone including her in the house to come and see her,Lisa been sleeping alone out of the door everynight.She will lean on the door and sleep there.Her mother and Jennie had been suggesting her to sleep in the guest room in which she refuse.She can't stand a day far from the blonde.Lisa had tried to but she just can't.She tried to sleep in the guest room on the first night but she don't even last for 5 minutes.Her heart sting,it's racing like crazy.So,in the end,she choose to sleep on the door step of their bedroom.It's still not fine but at least she could feel herself a bit near to the blonde.

And that's more than enough.

Lisa lean by her side on the door. "Rosie,please.At least answer me.I miss you" she beg with a sigh.A sad sigh.

That is the exact time where Jisoo,Jennie and both Lisa parents walk towards her.

"Lisa" Jennie greet.She put her hand on her little sister shoulder gently.Everyone's been worrying about the two: Roséanne and Lisa.Lisa refuse to eat,to sleep on a comfortable bed and skipped work which is unusual.It explains everything that Lisa love her wife too much.She got affected by the depression Roséanne was in.It makes sense.

Jisoo push Lisa aside. "Let me" said Jisoo,holding a fist in front of her while giving Lisa a question look to ask for the girl permission to knock at the door.

"Yeah.You may unnie" said Lisa weakly.Feeling completely hopeless.

"It's fine" Jennie comfort,pulling Lisa for a hug which the younger return instantly.They stay in that position while eyeing Jisoo who's standing right two feet away from them.Lisa hide her face in the crook of her sister neck,crying after the blonde.

Their parents just stare at them all at the back there worriedly.They say nothing but their face showed everything.They just hoped this time, Roséanne will open the door and talk to Lisa or any of them she feeling comfortable with.

Jisoo knock the door twice. "Baby,it's me,your unnie.Can you please open the door?" she wait for some time for any reponse from the blonde.

When there is no.Jisoo knock again.This time,it's harder.

Three times.

"Rosé,open the door please.Talk to me.You can't stay like this.Don't shut everyone out like what you did in the past.I..I don't want to lose you" she sound almost like begging.

Correction: Jisoo is begging right now.

Begging to her sister.

Because she is afraid of the history repeating itself.

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