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"Lisa" the blonde calls her wife who's been lying flatly on the bed for 15 minutes with closed eyes.

Jennie and Jisoo is standing beside her in front of the bed beside the lying Lisa.They came to the room right after Roséanne shouting for help fifteen minutes ago.

"Rosé,how can she get fainted?" The oldest of the Park sibling ask.

Roséanne sigh.She is sad right now and she don't know what to do.She wanted to cry but her tears just won't come out.It's always been like that.Her stupid eyes just like to torture her emotion.Sometimes it does shed tears but sometimes it does not which is frustrating because the pain the blonde felt in her heart cannot be expressed.

"I don't know.She was like having this conversation with me.A serious conversation about our love life.I say I love her and she offer me to start a new chapter of our life which I gladly accepted.Right after that she jump in excitement and then stopped abruptly when I chuckle to her childish antics.Then poff!" She make an exploding sound. "She smile to me then close her eyes and then fall flatly on the floor.Luckily I get to catch her head first or else she will get hurt.I really don't understand.She is smilling when she fainted fifteen minutes ago" she furrowed her eyebrow in confusion because how the hell did someone pass out smilling? Isn't that impossible? She never saw anything like that before.Shall she say it's funny? No.It is not because it's Lisa who's been through that right before her eyes.Everything involving the Thai is serious to her.

"Wait what?" Jisoo eyes widened in shock when she heard that one words coming out from her baby sister mouth. "I'm sorry but can you repeat what you had just said?" She ask as if she want to confirm whatever the fuck her ear had told her mind.

Roséanne stare at her older sister completely baffled.Why the hell did Jisoo look like she had heard a bomb fall into their house? Why the hell did the older look shock as hell? Even Jennie is staring at her wife weirdly like the Korean does not behave very right,right now.It's just weird to see the usually calm Jisoo look terrified,shock,panic,happy,confuse,all at once.Roséanne and Jennie does not know or sure what and which words is suitable to describe what Jisoo face showed right now.It's unreadable but there's sure mixed emotion plastered.

Roséanne stare at the ceiling trying to remember back what she had said few seconds ago. "Uh..she is smilling when she fainted two hours ago?" She arch her eyebrow when she stare at her sister but Jisoo shook her head.

"No.Before that"

"Umm.." she think for a while.It's been so hard for her to remember things quickly.Her mind get slower after the accident.Sometimes she is all fine and she can remember everything exactly right like the old times but sometimes it's just hard.It depends on what she did that day and what she think that day.The more she tired her mind,the worst it gets.The more she relax her mind,the more better she can remember everything.Simple as that.

Seeing the struggle plastered on the blonde face,Jennie decided to speak up.She remember what the younger had said.So,why don't she help her?

Jennie took some moment to think back and guess which part could Jisoo possibly referring to.Then she remembered the youngest did mention about chuckling and find it werid.Don't Jisoo always told her that Roséanne is a copy carbon of their own mother who's cold as an ice and emotionless human being?

"Do you by any chance mean the part where Roséanne say she chuckle and Lisa stop abruptly from her excited jumping to stare at her before smilling and pass out?" Jennie says while taping her forefinger on her chin to recall back the memories.After reassuring herself it was right,she stare at her completely specheless wife beside her. "What's wrong with your damn face?" She ask with frown when she notice the Korean face turn pale.

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