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The headache is killing me.It feels like a ton of  heavy stones were placed on the top of my head.My eyes were shut close.I haven't open them yet as the headache was the first to greet me when I become concious to the world.I have a bad dream.My dream were both happy and terrifying.I am in a hospital room that moment when all that happens.The happy part is that I am announced as pregnant for seven weeks.The first child of me and Lisa.The bundle of joy we've been working on so much.Lisa loves kids and she always wished to have one.I finally able to give her and that's the most proud feeling I ever felt in my life.Everything is fine until Elaine Manoban came and took all the happiness from me in the dream.Elaine, Lisa's mom coming to me saying Lisa is gone.She is kidnapped by bad people and was probably dead according to the way she speaked about the incident that happened in their mansion.I'm literally screaming in my dream.I mean..why wouldn't I? They told me my wife is dead and was gone.Add more point to the fact that I know I am pregnant with our bundle of joy inside my tummy on the same day Lisa was taken away from me.Can you understand me? The feeling of being so Elated then all of sudden crushed by some breaking news in your suppose to be happy day.How terrifying is that? Very much.

In my that dream,I also had come across some words that says;

"This is the consequences of you treating Lisa badly.When she is around,you treated her like garbage.You yell at her,you push her away.You don't even appreciate her presence in your life.You deserve all this!"

I don't know why but that words makes me rethink back of the old days where I spent with Lisa.Does my dream tries to tell me something?

Slowly opening my eyes,I was greeted with a high intensity of light.I shut back close my eyes immediately and squint it before trying to reopen them back.Blinking few times to adjust my sight,I stare at the ceiling.Something is weird.Why is the ceiling in white colour? Since when did Lisa and I change our ceiling colour from grey to white? I don't remember-

"Is she okay?" I heard Jisoo Unnie voice that makes me adverting my eyes from the ceiling to the front where a similar look of room in my dream appear in my sight.I frown.What the hell?

"She is okay.She just so stressed out and pass out since she is very weak now.I had injected her with some vitamins so that it would help her get better" another familiar voice were heard.It sounded like someone I know.Someone I really know...but..wait.Let me think first.

Frowning to remember a sorts of memories,I blink my eyes few times.I heard this kind of voice before but where? It sound familiar like someone I know.I may have brain problem due to the two times I got injured on my head.One,because of the attack that happened in my office room.Second came from the accident I had when I run away from Lisa's family Mansion that night where we fought because of cheating matters.

"What was happening actually?" The same familiar voice once again speak. "I mean,she won't be stressed out if there's nothing happen.Mind to tell me chu?"

"Chu?" I mumble to myself in confusion.Only one person ever called Jisoo Unnie by that name and that person is... "Irene?" I gasp,putting my hand on my mouth covering it.This can't be true.Irene is in Seoul.She is there with her wife,Seulgi.She used to live here in Melbourne as she got a hospital on her own to take care of.This..this is sureal.

"Lisa.It's all about Lisa"

"Why about her actually?"

I tilt my head to have a better hearings.By the time I tilt my head,my eyes fall on the side of the bed I'm laying at right now.

This..this is.. the same hospital bed in my dream.What the hell is happening?

This..that..the dream I had wasn't a dream.It was my memory.I..It can't be tr-

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