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"Lisa is gone.She..she..we don't know where she is right now but we know she is somewhere around here with bad people.Jennie was hospitalized because of the incident that happen in the dining room where she was pushed towards the table hardly which caused her head injured.She was trying to find Lisa in the dark by that time.The blackout happen so sudden in Manoban Mansion and that's when everything happen.Jennie said she heard Lisa scream in pain before her little sister let go of her hand forcefully like something is pulling her away.Then.." she pause before taking a deep breath. "Then the last thing she heard before falling into unconciousness is the sound of someone dragged on the floor which we assume as Lisa because the stained of blood in shape where there's really look like somebody's was dragged on it to create such look.I had called the cops and more teams to find Lisa earlier.The blood is  quite..lot.So, Lisa life is-"

"STOP!"I cutted her.My hand were both on my ears.I can't hear this anymore.This can't be true.Lisa is fine.She is fine.She is alright.Nothing happens to her.She is somewhere else or might be on her way here by now because she wants to see me and our unborn child in my tummy.She will come here and meet me.She will kiss me.She will shout loudly in joy with the news of me being pregnant of her child.

None of those words said by her is true.I don't fucking believe in this all.Lisa is gone? Kidnapped by bad people? What the fuck?!

My mother-in-law stepped closer. "Roséanne-"

"I dont want to hear a thing you say" I says,still trying to cover my ears as hard as I could to prevent any sound from getting through.I need to fucking get out of this shit or I'll get insane.

"Rosé.Calm down.Breathe in and out.Don't panic and listen to me.Everything is fine.You'll be fine" Jisoo Unnie touch my shoulder.I look at her but my mind was too clouded with emotions.I don't want to hear this.I don't want to hear any of this.I need to get out of this situation.

"Roséanne,are you okay?" my mother-in-law tried to touch me but I dodged away.It almost makes me stumble backwards because my legs still feel so weak.I barely stand properly.My legs is shaking,begging for me to sit down which I refuse.I keep on trying to stand on my feet despite the scream coming from my legs that tells me to stop being so stubborn.

"Dear..hey.Relax" my father lifted my body.I tried to fight him but I can't bring myself to move aggressively to free from his grip.I just can't let my hands off from my ear.I don't want to hear a thing but still...no matter how much I tried, I still can hear their voice.

Something inside my mind started to gets crazy.All those small voice started to enchoed,trying to poison me from inside.

"This is your fault"

"If you didn't being so stubborn on attending the family gatherings,Lisa would be by your side now.You two will enjoy the news together as a married couple"

"This is the consequences of you treating Lisa badly.When she is around,you treated her like garbage.You yell at her,you push her away.You don't even appreciate her presence in your life.You deserve all this!"

And go on

And on

"STOP!" I scream to the voice inside my head.It feels painful.It feels so painful.It strikes right to my heart.My body is sweating.I feel scared.This is all my fault.The voice is saying the right thing.This is completely my fault.

Fate has gifted me with a good wife like Lisa.I treated her like nothing but savagely bad.I'm a bitch always with her.I should had been better.I should had treated her more better.The fate must be hating me for wasting the love it gives to my life.It gave me Lisa to love me and to cherish me but I don't appreciate it.So now,it was taking away what it gives me.

Lisa.I lost Lisa.

"Rosé? Are you okay?" Jisoo Unnie tried to hold me but I scooted away on the bed with my hand still on my ears.I can't stop the small voice inside my head.They are getting louder and louder.It suffocates me.It makes me feel hard to breathe.

"Why is she like this?"

"We need to call the doctor"

"Push the red button on the side of the bed.Irene will come"

I heard them talking but I can't bring myself to speak back.My mouth just close shut.I feel like collapsing.I just feel like want to die.

Somebody shook my body. "Rosé,hey.Are you okay? Stay with me.Don't close your eyes" I heard Jisoo Unnie voice from my side.

Slowly opening my eyes,I look straight into her eyes.I don't even realize I had closed my eyes.I want to say something.I have to say something but what is that 'something' I want to say?



"Hey" she shook my body but my eyelids getting heavier. "Mom! Had you press the button?"

" I do..Irene will be here shortly."

"Okay.Rosé please stay" she says. "Don't! Don't close your eyes"

I heard all that.I hear them saying everything but soon the voice fading away as my vision turn pitch black.

The only last word I heard inside my head is the four word;

I Want To Die


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