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I keep on pacing back and forth in my room.Rosie was nowhere to be found.I have been looking for her everywhere around the hour past 15 minutes ago which last over 1 hour because this family Mansion of mine is just as big as hell.My legs hurt,my shirt is ruin by the sweat form on my body because I ran everywhere in here.

After searching for Rosie all around the house from every and each part in here and she was still nowhere to be seen,I decided to ring her.

"Pick up the phone Rosie" I says frustratingly.I tap harshly on the skrin and dialed her number again and waited.

Still,it goes to voicemail.

Anger,frustration,worry and sad feeling started to fill me.I could feel how fast my heart beating.Every and each beat feel like a needle stabbing right on my chest.What if Rosie goes out of this house without telling me? Why if she drive her own car to go somewhere? I'm afraid she do the second one.There's no way I will ever allow her to drive anymore.The last time she drive,she involved in a car accident.I don't want the history repeat itself again.

I ring her number again.

"Come on Rosie" I say as I tap my foot on the floor impatiently.I waited and waited but then it goes to voicemail again. "Shit! Why is it so hard for you to answer the damn call!" I yell as I threw the phone to the bed not caring if the phone bouncing out of the bed and ended up on the floor which surely will damage it.I don't care.I just don't care.All I care about now is Rosie.The phone,..I can buy a new one once it broken but Rosie is irreplaceable.Nothing could replace her.She is one in forever.

"Relax Lisa" a voice greeted me from the door way.I turn my head towards the door and found out it was Jennie Unnie.

I sigh tiredly and says "I don't know unnie.I had been calling for her for hundreds times already but it all goes to voicemail! A stupid voicemail!" I yell,tugging my hand in my short hair and let go harshly.I sat down on the bed,covering my face using my palm and run it twice.

"I know.Jisoo is not home too since evening.And maybe..maybe they go out together" Jennie Unnie says and that ease a bit uneasiness feeling inside me.At least I can be a bit sure Rosie is not alone.

Groaning,I take off my hand from my face and stare at my Unnie. "Have you ring Jisoo Unnie?"  I ask.

She shook her head and sigh. "I did ring her." She pause. "So many times but she just don't pick up the damn phone.I started to worry about her.Then I remember you came to my room earlier to ask whether Roséanne is with me or somewhere to be seen.Just then I thought maybe this two could be together out to somewhere.It's very possible you know.They are sister" Jennie Unnie gave me a sweet smile but I know it's fake because it does not reach her eyes but I choose not to question her.I can understand how she is feeling right now.Very frustrated,angry and sad.Everything,all at once.Well,just who will stay calm when their love one dissapear without any trace.

"Lisa!" A familiar voice called my name from somewhere.It seems like it coming from downstairs.It sound like Rosie voice but Is that really Rosie? Or is it just my feeling that played with me.Maybe because I think too much about her make me hearing her voice at the back of my head like it was real.

"Lisa!" Rosie voice was heard again.This time,it's louder.I frown.Why does the voice sound so real.My imagination couldn't be this good.

So,I look over my Unnie whom staring at me as curious as I am.Her face showed curiosity and confusion.I could see from the deep frown she had on her face.

"Did you hear that?" I ask her.

"Yeah" she nod her head. "It sounded like Roséanne voice" she add which lit up my face.At least I'm sure I'm not hearing things.

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