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Battle: 4th day,5 August 2024,

It was a glommy morning.The clouds cried.Its tears pouring onto my room windows.It is raining heavily just like what's happening to me now.My life feels so pathetic.How can it not when i'm here alone without her by my side? Lisa's been the one who shines my day through the darkest possible stormy day.She is the one who keep me warm on cold days like this.

"I miss you" I says absentmindedly to the windows as if it was Lisa I'm talking with.Looking at the drop of rain on the window that streaming down,I trace my hand on it as my tears keeps coming out of my tired eyes. "Where are you?" I ask in whisper.

It's the fourth day Lisa been missing without news nor a bit of information about her sudden dissapeararance.The police says if it was a kidnapping case that involve money scheming,the kidnappers surely had been calling me or Lisa's family at least a day after she is gone.But seeing we all didn't even get a call,the cops says it's weird.It was as if the motive is more to murdering,not kidnapping.

Of course.Of course I won't believe that.There's no way Lisa could leave me.She promised me not to.She will keep her promise.I know she will.

And I better know she will be here with me by my side forever.She can't leave me so unexpectedly like this.I won't allow this to happen.She will be here with me the day I give birth to our little angel (angel is common.It can be girl/boy).She will hold my hand in the labour room,whispering some encouraging words into my ear to give me the strength to push out our beloved child from my vagina.

"Where are you?" I asked again,praying for something or someone can answer me right now and tell me where is my Lisa.I have been deadly missing her warmth, her presence,her touch,her voice,her laugh,her childish antics,her care and her love towards me.I miss every single thing about her.I feel like a lifeless person without her this past four days.I feel like shit.I feel like I just lost the most precious things in this world to something I..don't know.

"Roséanne" Seulgi voice enchoed in my room that brought me out of my trance.I have been keeping myself in this room that I shared with Lisa since the first day I come back home.I just can't bring myself to go out of there to face the outside world.I don't feel like it's needed.I don't need anything out there that has no Lisa's belonging and trace.In this room,I can always see our memory or reflashing back everything we had done in here,of how she walk in this room,how she take my hand to dance with me,how we do love to each other,how she tried to entertain me through my bad day and etc.


It was  evening times where I come back home from work.The work been hectic.There's shit tons of paper work in the office with three different new projects my company is handling.It's a big project.

"Welcome back baby" Lisa greeted once I made my way into our bedroom.I ignore her as I threw my suitcase and my jacket to the couch.I plop my body to the couch and massage my temple.I got headache.A terrible headache as a result of reading hundreds of papers a day.

"What's wrong?" She asked and I look  up to see her making her way towards me. "Tell me what's wrong baby? Are you sick?" She added and I look at her feeling slightly annoyed by her endless questions.She bring up her hand to put on my forehead but before she could reach for it, I slap her hand away.

"Don't touch me Lisa.Don't talk to me" I scowl before rolling my eyes.

She frown. "Really baby.What's wrong with you?" She asked again and that's somehow makes me lose my cool.

"I said don't talk to me! Which one you didn't understand?! Do I need to explain everything to you every single day I came back home? Huh?! Do I need to?!!!!" I yell loudly at her as I rose on my feet with my both hand on her chest,pushing her away.

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