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"Alright ma'am.We are here" the driver announce when he finally pull away in front of the big mansion; Manoban Mansion.

"Okay.You can wait with the rest of the  driver in the worker room.As you know,there will be a party held for you all everytime Manoban family has one.So,you can go have your fun but remember not to drink too much.You'll be driving tonight.For commemorative,I'll call you if we had finished our business here.If you dare to drink too much and I saw you get drunk with the alcohol,...just know that you should be ready with packing your bags tommorow.You'll be fired" Lisa says sternly.Her voice is cold.Her face is emotionless.If I didn't know her inside and out,I'll probably think she is an extremely ruthless person,just like how I view her as a pervert on our first time meeting in our family dinner few months ago before the announcement of our arranged marriage.

I kiss her cheeks and wrap my hands around her neck.Her face immediately softens when she tilt her head to stare at me.

I peck her lips. "You do know you look so hot when you got all confident and fierce like that.Don't ya?"

She smile sweetly to me.Her eyes hold me with a loving gaze.I lost in this green emerald eyes.It was the most beautiful thing I ever look at.Her eyes never failed to amaze me.It makes me question how can someone eyes steal my breath away and make me lose the sight of everything around me if I stare at it? She is so captivating.Lisa makes me question a lot about my sanity.I fucking love her a lot.I feel like I'm insane for loving her too much that I feel like I'll die without her or probably gonna kill myself if something happens to her.I can't live a single day without her kiss,warm smile and sweet voice.She is my everything.The everything I forever don't wanna lose.Even in million years after.

She flash me her always cocky smile.The one she always show whenever I compliment her openly.I rarely voice out my likes towards Lisa.I love to do more actions than words.Lisa knows that too and she don't mind it.She always understand me the way nobody ever did.It's like our heart is connected.I can feel if something is wrong or right about her.And she can feel the same too.

She tap the tip of my nose causing me to giggle.She then turn to my side to wrap her hand on my waist and pull me towards her.I ended up sitting on her lap by facing her.

"You do know too that it's hard to hear such compliment from you,right baby?" She smirk devilishly which makes me feeling so fucking confuse.What does she had in mind? I can tell she was thinking about something in that small brain of hers.

Pardon my language that I use to describe my wife; small brain.

She got smaller head than me.Well I got longer jawline and she did not have it the way I am.So,to compare,my head is bigger than her with my fluffy cute chipmunk cheeks.

I'm far more beautiful than her.Can't you see that? Won't you agree with me? I once said I'm the greatest creature God ever created long ago and so do now.I'm always the greatest even if I am compared with my own wife.

I kiss the tip of her nose with a smile.Once I pull away,I saw a smile born on her face.It's a loving smile and that is everything I want to see for the rest of my life.That's all I want.I want Lisa sweet smile when I show her my love.

"Well,you can't blame me for that.I'm not the one who talked much between us two.You are the one who will always talk non stop but act a very little about your words.Have you heard the quotes that says: Actions Speaks Louder Than Words ?" I raise my both eyebrow and she narrow her eyes.

"Are you saying I'm just a big talker and not acting like what I had said in words,baby?"

I chuckle at her seriousness.Lisa is really sensitive about being a woman of her words.She always says sticking to her words is her forte and visions in life.I can tell she really are but from scale one to ten,I can only give her 8.5.Well,no offense but her words says lots better than her actions.You can say she is a smooth talker.I'm afraid of ant coming to haunt her someday because of her sweet mouth.

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