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Jisoo stood stone in front of her younger sister who's sitting on the floor like an undead.Her eyes open but she don't blink.Not even once since Jisoo was there.Roséanne just stare straight to the front like a frozen human.Her face look so pale,hair is messy as hell.Glass in hand,blood stain on the floor,wounded sight of Roseanne hand make the older lost for words.That is the very last thing she wanted to happen but it is happen right now.She's not ready for this.She does not want this.She had done lots of thing and even set up a marriage for her sister with Lisa in hope Love will change her sister but..now? Everything is perfect back then and why was it goes back to zero again?




"Unnie! Why are you standing there like you see some ghost?!" Lisa says,staring at Jisoo from afar.

She frown when she notice Jisoo hadn't look at her nor reply to her.What was happening over there?

Everyone stopped searching everywhere around the room and walk towards Lisa when they heard the Thai.They all feel curious and confuse of the sight of frozen Jisoo too who's staring down at the floor in front of her like there's something caught her eyes and it's obviously either something scary or beyond imagination(same meaning as speechless).

"Jisoo,what's wrong?" Elaine Manoban question.

When she got no relpy from Jisoo,she nudge Jennie hand who's standing right beside her.

"What?" Jennie said by whispering to her mother.

Elaine Manoban motion her head towards Jisoo.

Jennie look at Jisoo then back to her mother. "Yeah? What's wrong with her?" Question Jennie innocently,totally had no idea why her mother is nudging her then motion her head towards her wife.

Elaine eyes went wide.She gave Jennie a disbelieve look before sighing and say "That's your wife for god sake Jennie.Don't you think it's your time to play your role to know what the hell is wrong with her standing there like someone being shot with frozen gun?" she hiss by whispering.She don't want Jisoo to hear that.She don't want to offend the girl.

Jennie pursue her lips and say "Oh.." in a long way. "How am I suppose to know? She is there and I am here.It's not like I can read her mind from here,mom" Jennie reply casually like it's an obvious answer to her mother simple question.

Elaine Manoban face palming herself.Her both daughters sometimes just unbelievable oblivious.Both.Even Lisa is the same as Jennie but at least Jennie is a little bit better than Lisa.She wonder what kind of wrong food she ate when she was pregnant of her both very oblivious daughters.She just can't seem to point it out.She is perfectly beyond clever,so do her husband.So,how the hell did that second version of her become so unbelievably too straight to the point? True,not all the time the two is like that but most of time..they did.

"My god.." she shook her head. "Are you even my daughter?"

Jennie eyebrow arch.She blink her eyes few time before saying  "The last time I checked.." she stare at the ceiling,taping her chin using her index finger. "I'm still your daughter,mom.My last name is still a Manoban even though in the end of it is slash Park.So,Jennie Manoban-Park." she blurt out almost like innocently.

Correction: she is saying that Innocently.

And that drive the Manoban Woman to the wall.

"Seriously..I don't want to say you are stupid because you wouldn't let me but let's say you are dumb.It's lot better."

Jennie scoff. "Mom! That's lot more worst than stupid.You know that,right?"

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