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together in their common room, discussing their plans for the upcoming Yule celebration. Yule, known as Christmas in the Muggle world, retained its ancient name among witches and wizards.

"So, any plans?", Nyx asked, sipping her drink.

Abraxas gave a sly smile,"We're hosting a ball at the manor-all twenty-eight Sacred families. What about you, darling?"

"You know, just the usual.", she replied, wiggling her eyebrows. "A cozy little ball where the de Martels tell me what a disgrace I am."

He chuckled, shaking his head in amusement,"The Sorting Hat put you in the right place, trust me. I mean, you wouldn't have met the rest of us, and now you and Tom are the most feared pair here. I'm still baffled that anyone finds you intimidating, my darling."

"Of course it put me in the right place, Rax. I found you, didn't I, you git?", she replied, smiling as he stood and moved to sit beside her.

"Rax.", she teased, stifling a laugh as his fingers brushed her side.

"Nyx.", he answered, mimicking her tone, then started to tickle her gently.

"Rax, I mean it!", she gasped, pleading with him, her eyes wide.

It was rare to see Nyx drop her guard, even after months of friendship, but these moments felt more genuine than any she shared with others. Abraxas and the boys cherished them.

"Nyx.", he sang her name louder and tickled her more insistently, sending her scrambling to her feet. Laughing, she bolted from the common room, and he was close behind.

"I'll catch you, darling!", he called, laughing as they raced down the corridor, drawing curious glances from other students.

Nyx laughed back, gaining speed, until she burst through a door and ran toward the Black Lake.

"Darling, darling, darling.", he called playfully, finally catching up as she slowed, hands raised in surrender.

"All right, all right, I give up!", she panted, catching her breath as she looked up at him with a grin.

"Good, because I'm exhausted.", Abraxas said, dropping onto the snowy ground, and Nyx joined him with a sigh.

"I really need to get in shape.", she muttered, still catching her breath.

"Look at you, my darling. You don't need to.", he replied, gesturing to her.

"Shut it, Rax. Exercise is good for everyone.", she rolled her eyes at his compliment.

"Not for you, darling. You're perfect as you are. You even wore me out.", he chuckled tiredly.

She leaned her head on his shoulder, gazing at the snow. The light in her eyes faded slightly, and he noticed her smile dim.

"What's wrong?", Abraxas asked gently, brushing a hand through her hair.
"You don't want to go home, do you?"

She looked away,"Even if I told you, you'd run straight to Tom, or you'd let it slip somehow."
She smiled, but he could see the sadness beneath it.

"Bloodworth was an accident, all right?", he defended himself.
"I only told Tom because I didn't like him."

Cullen Bloodworth had once flirted with Nyx and even asked her out, but Abraxas, not thrilled with the idea, had "accidentally" mentioned it to Tom. Tom, in turn, had been furious. Abraxas had his orders: to report any boy who showed interest in Nyx. The others were convinced Tom liked her, though he always claimed it was simply out of "concern."

"Bloodworth wasn't good enough for you.", Abraxas said, swallowing as he continued. "And besides, we're practically siblings. How could I like it when some random guy tries to make a move on my little sister?"

She raised her head and sighed. "Everyone's excited to go home, but-I've never had a home."

"Is it because of Hogwarts?", he asked, unsure, his gut twisting as he sensed there was more.

"Do mothers usually understand their children?", she asked softly, letting out a humorless laugh that made him shiver.

"Of course, darling. Isn't your mother like that?", he asked, offering a teasing smile that usually made her laugh, but this time she didn't.

"My mother died when I was born. You tell me.", she replied with a hint of bitterness.

Abraxas's eyes widened. He felt like an idiot for asking.
"I'm sorry, darling. I didn't know."

"It's fine, Rax," she said, looking away. "I didn't inherit the de Martel looks, so I don't really fit in. They say I'm... darkness. They've called me a disgrace since birth. How do you think they'll react now that I'm in Slytherin?"

Abraxas let out a heavy sigh. Her words stirred something in him-anger, maybe even hatred for her family. In the Sacred Twenty-Eight, children were supposed to be cherished, valued as gifts.

"You can come to my place, darling. My parents would love you," he offered sincerely. With her charm and spirit, he knew they'd be as captivated by her as he was.

"My father would kill me," she chuckled, but he could hear the fear beneath it.

"Have they... ever hurt you?" he asked, trying to find the right words. He felt a fierce urge to protect her.

"Yeah," she said with a grimace. "My father and my brother, mostly when I talk back or say something sarcastic."

Abraxas's jaw tightened. "Darling, why didn't you tell me? I would have helped. We all would." He leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead, hoping Tom wouldn't notice.

"They just want me to marry someone and disappear," she said with a scoff, shrugging as if it didn't matter.

"You, Nyx de Martel, will never be anyone's housewife. If it comes to that, I'll kill your husband myself. You're far too brilliant to be some man's doll." He meant every word, and his fierce loyalty made her smile again.

She turned to him with a small, grateful smile, and he knew his mission was complete-

Her smile had returned.

Her smile had returned

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