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SMALL KISSES WERE PLACED ON HER ENTIRE face as she pushed Tom's face away. Nyx's hair was wet as she laid on her pillow, giggling because of her boyfri-fiancé's antics.
"Stop.'', she chuckled and turned her face away from him. Her chin was grabbed and her face turned towards him once again.
"Let me appreciate you, little witch.'', he insisted and plastered more kisses all over face. Tom was overly happy that the girl agreed to be his fiancé some days ago.
Nyx shook her head and playfully groaned in distaste at his actions, which made him bite her cheek softly. She gasped and locked eyes with him as he chuckled at her shock. He kissed her cheek softly and then put his face in the crook of her neck.
"I could stay like this forever.'', he muttered and kissed her shoulder, before sighing in content.
Nix simply hummed and began to gently comb his hair with her hand, making him hum at the satisfying feeling. Yet Nyx stopped when a thought crossed her mind. She never thought about it before, but now she couldn't help, but frown deeply at this.
Noticing her stop, Tom asked,''Whats the matter, love?''
The witch simply shook her head and replied,''It doesn't matter, darling.''
Her fiancé hummed and insisted,''Tell me.''
''Its just that many couples already get imitate with each other after some months. Why didn't we? I mean I don't want to tell you that we have to, but I am just wondering. Do you think I am attractive enough for that or am I not attractive enough, because of what happened some months ago-", she rambled, until she got cut off.
Tom hissed and put his head out of her neck, leaning up so he could see her. "Don't talk bloody shit, Nyx. Don't fucking mention what happened some months ago, not in such a context."
Nyx grew quiet and Tom continued,"You, Nyx the Martel, are the most beautiful and most attractive creature on this world. Personality and appearance wise. Don't you ever dare to doubt that again."
"The only reason we didn't get imitate with each other is, because I want to wait until you are fully ready. That doesn't mean that I don't want it, of course I want it, Nyx."
"You do?", she asked in a quiet tone, her insecurities slowly fading away at his words.
Tom leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Of course I do. Just remember that Nyx Riddle is the most beautiful person to walk on this planet."
"It's not Riddle yet.", she chuckled and played with his hair, which has fallen over his face.
The boy grinned and said,"In my eyes you are.", before attacking her with kisses once again, leaving her laughing.
THE NEXT DAY NYX WOKE UP with a groan. Her abdomen was killing her and she remembered that her period will start today. With a frown etched on her face, she made her way to her bathroom. She was more than happy that Tom didn't stay the night, since as it seems she already got it.
Grumbling she took a shower and started her day in a bad mood. It got only worse when she remembered that she has potion in the first two lessons.
The frown still etched in her face, she got dressed and made her way down to the common room.
"Good morning my love.", greeted Tom her as she sat down next to him without any response. "What's wrong?"
Nyx merely shook her head and laid it on his shoulder as she sighed loudly, Tom raising his eyebrow at this. He frowned, but then saw her punching her abdomen lightly, discreetly so no one would see. Rolling his eyes, is all what he did. Why didn't she just say so?
Holding her head up slightly, he stood up and scooped her up in his arms.
"What are you doing?", she asked in a tired voice and was carried up the stairs.
Tom shook his head and stated,"We can't let you go to lessons in pain, can we now?"
"I love you.", she chuckled as he laid her down in her bed, before Tom left to the bathroom.
He came back with a hot water bottle and laid it directly on her abdomen. The boy leaned forward and kissed her head as he laid down besides her, his finger caressing her stomach.
"You are too good to me.", she hummed and closed her eyes, leaning onto her fiancé.
The Riddle heir shook his head and answered,"Not good enough, little witch." He smiled slightly and asked,"You know i love you right?"
She shrugged, making him frown as she looked up to him in a teasing way,"Do you love me, my love?"
Tom smirked,"More than anything.", before attacking her with kisses as she squealed under him.
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