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|| SUMMER ||

THE DAY CAME QUICKLY AND ALLstudents were more than happy that the school year was finally over

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students were more than happy that the school year was finally over.
Yet the group of Slytherins dreaded it.
They were angry, it consumed them, wishing to stay in school longer than planned, wishing for the lessons to continue rather than take a break for 2 months at home.
And it was all because of—

Nyx has to go home and explain that she wouldn't marry a pureblood boy chosen by her father and is to marry Tom Riddle—a halfblood Slytherin.

Nyx tapped her fingers against her thigh as she stared out the window of the Hogwarts express.

Tom was looking at her with a frown, dreading to tell her what he decided to do.

Nicholas was reading a book, but was too nervous to even process what he was reading.

Abraxas was staring at his hands in anger, angry that his little sister was afraid about returning to her own home.

Damien—the usual boy who never takes anything serious, was sweating in nervousness as he thought about the outcome of this.

And Rodrick was looking from Tom to Nyx in deep thoughts, thinking about their future.

Tom took Nyx hand in his own, placing a small kiss on it and laid it on his lap, to reassure her.

Her face turned towards him as she hummed in answer.

"I am coming with you, we will explain and than we will leave."

Fear is shackles, fear is a knife in the gut slowly twisted, fear is a constant hammer on the head.

She shook her head,"Tom—"

"No, it's decided, Nyx.", Tom started, his grey eyes staring into her own,"I will not let you go on your own, explain to him how you are to marry me, because you are marrying me. After that we shall leave and stay at Abraxas'."

Her doe eyes fell on her blonde best friend, who smiled and nodded at her reassuringly.
Abraxas would always be there for her—for his little sister.

"He will kill me.", she whispered to her boyfriend, her gaze on the floor as she swallowed in anxiety.

Fingers gripped her chin, turning it to the left, where she met Tom's eyes, a maddened look darkening them.
"He should dare to touch you, because if he does, he won't breathe anymore and that's a promise."

Nyx titled her head a bit,"You would kill him—", she frowned a bit in disbelief,"for me?"

Tom too frowned a bit,"Wasn't that already clear?"

It hit Nyx a bit—like a tidal wave.
The boy in front of her—her fiancé, he would kill for her, he would do absolutely anything for her.
She knew Tom was a very prideful man and never bowed down to anyone, but she underestimated his loyalty for her.
He is the right kind of loyal - a thinker, a protector, a soul resurrector.

"It was.", she nodded at him with a small smile.

Tom had a ghost of a smile on his lips as he kissed her forehead.

de Martel mansion with mixed feelings.
Nyx was afraid, she knew how protective Tom was and he didn't take any negative words towards her lightly— no matter from who.
Tom was determined and rather possessive— the man who calls himself her father should try to take her away from him, it won't end good for him.

"Let's go.", she nodded at him, her arms by her side, since Tom insisted to carry her trunk and his own—like always.

"Nyx.", he said, making her stop as she turned to him, he dipped his head down, catching her lips with his own.
His lips in their casual silent way, told her it was going to be a all okay.

"I love you.", she whispered against his lips as she pecked them and smiled at him a bit.

Tom's lips alight on her cheek like a dew freckled petal caught in a breeze, so soft and with the smallest hint of coolness.
"I love you even more, sweetheart."

They continued walking towards the manor and stopped, before the big doors of the mansion.
The door opened and the couple entered the rather glamorous entrance hall, leaving the suitcases down.

"There you finally are.", a voice called out, making a shiver run down Nyx' spine,"I was bloody questioning why it to—"

The older man stopped mid sentence as he stared at his daughter with a rather tall young man.
His eye twitched in anger at their proximity, but he wouldn't dare to let it show—everything for a perfect image.

"You brought a guest.", he forced a smile on his lips as he closed the distanced between them.
He held out his hands towards Tom,"Lord de Martel."

Tom looked at his hand in a disgusted and mocking way as he looked down at the man once again,"Tom Riddle."

A bit angered at the disrespect, which he swallowed down, the man turned towards his daughter,"And what is he doing here, Nyx?"

The tone the man used while saying his woman's name made Tom narrow his eyes in warning.

"Father.", Nyx began and took Tom's hand in her own,"Tom is my fiance."

The couple was met with utter silence, making Nyx squirm a bit uncomfortable.
Her father always screamed as much as his lungs allowed and this was rather something new.
Something she feared.
The silence broke with a loud snap—

Nyx head fell hard to the side, her hand escaping Tom's and holding her right cheek.
And before anything could be said, Tom snapped.

He stepped forward as he took the man up to his face by his collar—which was a bit high since Tom was 6'2 tall.
His wand poked into the man's neck as he clenched his jaw, his usual light eyes now as dark as a storm.

"Now, now, Mr. de Martel.",Tom tsked as Nyx closed her eyes at the pure and deep anger in his voice,"We have a lot of unfinished business, don't we?", he mocked, before his gaze fell on Nyx,"Go pack your things, my love."

"Nyx don't you dare, you little who—", before her father could utter another word, Tom cut him off with a punch to his face.

"Go pack your things, I will deal with this piece of shit.", Tom ordered in a calm—yet scary tone.

Nyx dashed upstairs in her room, taking a big suitcase and began to fill it with some clothes, her make up and her personal things.
Photos with Abraxas and the others, her books, some of her jewelry and everything else was replaceable.
She halted in her steps as she heard loud screams, making her hands shake a bit, but she continued to pack.
She knew her fiancé was devious even though he wasn't showing it.
A real devil in disguise.

Nyx rushed downstairs to see her father withering on the floor and her boyfriend looking at her with those dark eyes, which immediately softened.
He gestured with his head towards the door, making her nod as he took the two suitcases in his hands.

"It was nice to meet you, Mr. de Martel.I hope we will have a good in-law relationship", he said mockingly as he and Nyx left the mansion behind them.

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