🥀 Chapter 12

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[ Art Creds: @basiclollo on Twitter and Instagram ]

"Let go of him, Dream!" I screamed at him, as he tried to threaten Tommy. "Don't fucking touch him, please!"

Dream laughs maniacally, "That's right, beg! Bow down to your god, (Y/n)." He smirks.

Some of the people arrived at the scene, "Dream, what are you doing?" George asks, terrified at what his lover is doing to Tommy.

"George, stay away from this. You're not supposed to be here right now." Dream replies, looking worried. I grab my necklace, "Uh-uh, don't even think about it."

How does he even know that I was about to summon XD? He doesn't even know about the necklace he gave me, "You need to stop." I glared at the masked man.

"Dream..." A man with green skin and some sort of gas mask, hiding his bottom half oh his face. "Think about this..." he says quietly as he slowly walks towards Dream.

"Stay away from this, Sam." He says in a threatening tone.

I couldn't handle it anymore, everything started to hurt at this point. My head started hurting a lot, I screamed in pain. George and Sapnap were there to rush towards me, "(Y/n)!" They screamed.

I touch my head to feel something growing, I fell on my knees, looking at my hands. "Wh-What's happening?" I ask them as tears started rolling down my face.

My hands were now claws, I had horns and a tail. My feet were also different, and I can feel something heavy on my back, I look to see what it was and there were wings, probably even bigger than me.

 My feet were also different, and I can feel something heavy on my back, I look to see what it was and there were wings, probably even bigger than me

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[ A/N: This is what I want it to look like, but with more appropriate clothing lol, you can imagine that. Also, instead of red, the fire will be replaced with purple, and then you have some black color too. ]

"Holy shit..." Tommy mutters, everyone was shocked to see me.

I looked at everyone, not knowing what to do, "I'm scared." I said, standing up and everything just felt heavy. The weather started to go dark, looks like it was about to rain.

"(Y/n)!" Someone screamed my name from afar and saw that my father and philza were both there. They walk towards me, "Princess, everything is gonna be okay."

"What are you doing here, Technoblade?" Dream asks, still having his hand on Tommy's neck.

"You don't know what she's capable of!" Father screams at me and focused back on me, "J-Just calm down for now."

I tried breathing in and out, calming myself down. But the stares from the people made me panic, the storm finally hit, making everything a disaster. "I-I don't know what to do!" I cried out.

Everything was out of control.

[ DreamXD's POV ]

While being in the abyss, I sensed something... And it wasn't good at all. "(Y/n)..." I whispered her name and forced myself to get out of this place. I summoned a portal and made my way out, I see (Y/n) who was in her draconian form.

I finally made an appearance in front of thirty people or so, which isn't good. I am afraid they might haunt me just like before, "(Y/n), do not look at anyone. Just look at me, alright?" I smiled at her and she focuses on me.

I see Dream running towards me, "அமர்ந்திரு." (Stay down.) I forced him with my power, glad to know I still have that. I immediately ran to her and embraced her, "It's okay... Listen and focus on my voice only, alright? Don't look at them."

I feel her nuzzling on my neck, holding tightly onto me. "I'm s-scared, XD. Everyone is looking at me..." She whispers.

I look up at the sky to see the dark clouds, rain pouring down heavily. "Don't worry about them, just listen to me. தெய்வங்கள் உங்களை ஆசீர்வதிப்பாராக, நீங்கள் இப்போது ஓய்வெடுக்கலாம்." (May the gods bless you, you may rest now.) I feel (Y/n)'s body wobble, she was finally passed out. She was gaining her original human form back, which is a very good thing.

Technoblade and the other people who care about her went up to me and checked up on (Y/n), I decided to leave them and went up to Dream, who was still kneeling, frozen in place. He chuckles, looking up at me. "What? Are you gonna hurt me again?"

"You should be lucky that (Y/n) sympathizes you, even though you're like this." I take my mask off and slap him across from his face. 

A man walks up to me, he looks like an anthropomorphic creeper, which is a very rare species. "Don't touch him." He glares at me, "You need to go back where you belong." He threatens me and points his Trident towards me.

I smile at him and put my mask back on, "Don't worry, I was about to anyways." I said and summon my portal, going back inside the abyss. 

I was finally back to where I belonged, it was just a void of nothing, absolutely nothing. I kneel down and I could see a bunch of lit orbs appearing beside me. "I don't want to be a god anymore," I said, looking at the orbs, these were the gods' lost souls. "I CAN'T FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE, I DON'T WANT TO LOSE SOMEONE I CAN'T EVEN PROTECT HER PROPERLY!" I screamed at them, It was too much for me already.

[ Technoblade's POV ]

I see Dream who was already unfrozen in place when DreamXD was gone, I was gonna attack him for what he did to Tommy and (Y/n), but Sam was there so it would be a little hard. People started giving me weird looks, "I need to leave, Phil." I whispered to him, making sure people doesn't know that we're close.

Philza nodded and I had to leave them and my own daughter, I ran away before I could get captured by Quackity and the others. "I can't even be there for her, I need to stop this dumb government." I sighed, and I realized I was finally back at my house.

I hear the leaves rustle as my legs started to give in, "Ohhh, Technoblade~"  I heard someone call me, "Remember our deal?" It was obviously Dream.

I stand up and faced him, "I remember, of course. If I do it, you have to leave her alone." I said, glaring at the man. He nods and smiles at me, he puts his mask back on and disappeared into the forest.

I really have to do it, or else he'll hurt her even more.

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