🥀 Chapter 23

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The next day, all we had to do was not expose Phantommy to anyone, he had to stay here in Snowchester with us, where people barely visit. Every minute I had to check on him, making sure he doesn't go anywhere, luckily he follows me around, just floating.

I turned towards him to hear humming to a... song? "Where–" I was gonna ask him where he heard that since it was pretty familiar to me too, but decided not to interrupt him. He hummed the same song that Technoblade used to sing to me when I was really small, "So, you like to sing?" I asked.

We stop by this small cabin that Ranboo and Tubbo lend for me to stay in Snowchester, he shrugs and checks out my place, looking at a photo that I hung up on my wall. "I- I do, sometimes..." He replies softly.

I went beside him and looked at the same photo that he's staring at, it was me and Tommy, holding hands. I reminisced about the past before I left him, "To be honest, even though we had a very heated argument, I just couldn't forget him... Neither did I want to forget him, Tommy was my favorite memory, I was actually happy we got to know each other."

"I know I'm not him, neither can I remember anything from him, but you must've loved each other very much... I'm sorry that he's gone." He says, I could feel his gaze shifting to me. I can feel his ghostly hand intertwine with mine, "But, I'll be here for you, (Y/n). If you ever feel lonely, just call out to me."

I wiped the tears that started falling down my face, I look up at him and smiled. "You may be one of the biggest assholes I've ever met, but hey, you're not that bad." I chuckled and playfully hit him with my free hand.

Phantommy pouts but soon burst into laughter with me, the sound of laughter soon faded as we both looked at each other. "I'm really sorry that I can't remember anything about you, you and Tommy probably had a lot of good memories huh, since I can't remember any single memory of you."

I shrug and we both let go of each other's hands. I went by the fireplace and light a fire, making myself warm. I sit on the floor, looking at the fire, hearing it crackle. For a few minutes, I began to pass out. 

I felt some sort of pressure, suffocating me. I tried to breathe, but every time I did it, it just gets worse. It's like crushing my insides, making me want to throw up. I opened my eyes and arrived in a very familiar place, soon the suffocating stopped. I inhaled and exhaled, finally having a stable breath. 

"There you are! I thought it wouldn't work." I look behind me to see Dream, grinning wildly at me.

I glare at the maniac, "What do you mean? What did you do?" I went towards him and grabbed him by his collar, wanting to beat the shit out of him, but I needed to hold myself back.

He chuckles lowly, putting my hair behind my ear. "I managed to pull your conscious mind into here! Isn't that cool?" He exclaims, laughing even more.

"You crazy son of a bitch!" I screamed on top of my lungs and proceeded to punch him straight onto his face, he falls back and just stayed on the floor. "You do know I can hurt you here, right? So that means I can just kill you, right here, right now. Like what you told me– if you get hurt in this world, it would also affect you in the real world, isn't that right?"

He finally looks up at me and gave me a satisfied smirk, "Oh, go ahead. Looks like I won't be able to bring back Tommy back, then."

I flinched when he said that, "The revive book..." I muttered. Tommy has told me about this, but I kinda forgot about it, which is dumb of me to fail to remember. "So are you planning to revive him?" I asked and kneeled within his level.

"Of course, I actually felt bad killing that stupid boyfriend of yours." He replies and stands up as I did the same.

If we can truly revive Tommy, then what about Phantommy? What will happen to him? It was frustrating, but I knew that it would matter the most to get Tommy back. "And how will you revive him?" I asked, threatening with my fist which seems to be on fire, but the heat was unnoticable to me.

"Bring me his body and also, get me out of the prison. You know the way, right?" He asks, grinning widely at me. 

I sigh, "Fine, I'll get you out. A deal's a deal, you better revive Tommy first." I put my hand back, making myself calm and collected. I won't hurt Dream, not yet at least. I need to find the right time, "Now, get me out of this-"

Before I could continue what I was saying, Dream used his mask and covered my face with it, everything went pitch black for a moment. It felt like hours being trapped in Dream's domain or whatever it really is, soon enough, I heard some familiar voices calling out for my name.




My ears were ringing, I feel numb, and finally heard the clear voices. "Do something, you stupid idiot!" They scream.

I started to open my eyes, and see Phantommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Ghostbur altogether. "Will you stop hitting me? She's waking up, see?" Tubbo groans and points towards me.

I could see the relief in their faces, "How long did I pass out?" I ask them.

"F-For about 4 hours and 9 minutes..." Tommy answers, staring at me with his eyebrows furrowed.

I snicker, reaching out to him and ruffling his hair, "You even counted?" The energy in this room was still kind of heavy, all of them still looked worried, "Look, guys... I am perfectly fine, Dream just-" As I noticed what I just said, I immediately shut myself up.

I could see the anger and the fear in their faces, I really need to be careful of what I'll say. Phantommy curls up his fists, "Dream just, what? Is there something you're hiding from us, (Y/n)?" He asks as calmly as possible.

"Ugh, he forced my conscious body and mind to his little world that he has in his brain... We're somehow connected and we both don't know why." I gave them the answers they wanted.

Ranboo crouches at my level and holds my face, "Did he do anything to you? Did he hurt you? A-Are you okay?" His big brother mode kicked in, making me chuckle. "I'm serious, (Y/n). He- He has manipulated me before, and I still think about what he does to me every single day, don't you know how I would feel if the same thing would've happened to you?"

I shake my head and pulled him in for a hug, "Oh, Ranboo... Even if he were to manipulate me, there's no way he's gonna be going into this big brain of mine. And I'm gonna get rid of him, so none of you will get hurt again." I said with determination.

"Whatever you're planning, (Y/n), just go for it." Wilbur softly smiles at me, as if he knew what I had to do.

Bring back Tommy.

"White Lie" [c!TommyInnit x fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now