🦋 Special 03

116 4 1

[ A/N: No Tommy meme for this special, but have PrettyInnit. Man, receiving a lot of gender envy from him, dammit. ]

"So, what's this (S/n) thing? Like, I know it's your ship name with Tommy. But why did Nick scream your ship name? Like what's going on?" Clay asked so many questions that it makes me want to tear up and just zoom myself outside this party.

Punz clears his throat, trying to make up with something. But, Tommy was there to speak up first, "It's nothing, Dream. They're just being silly-"

"Yeah, no, totally. We were just being a silly goose!" Nick awkwardly laughed and tapped on Punz, and Punz agreed with that statement.

My brother awkwardly eyes us, "You guys better be saying the truth, and better not be dating each other." All of us tensed up when he said that and was in a pretty awkward situation, soon brother let out a wheeze. "I-I'm kidding! I already said I would support you guys if you are gonna date."

I stood up and hit my brother's chest, "You are such a jerk." I said and sat back down with Tommy.

"Oh come on now, bet you already kissed. I mean, you did kiss quite a lot when we were shooting the Dream SMP, but I meant like, genuinely kissed... You know?" My brother rambles and stopped to breathe for a second.

"Dream, let's just be quiet. Also, why are you here? Go back to your boyfriend." Tommy groans, "Also, Punz and Sapnap should leave too." He says as he motioned them to leave.

"Stop, George's not my boyfriend. Stop saying he is-"

"Baby, we should go there-" It was George, trying to snatch my brother away. "Woops, heyyyy... Uhh, I meant Dream, w-we should go somewhere else." He smiles awkwardly at us.

We gave my brother a look, and he just nervously laughed. "Y-Yeah, let's just go... Right now." The both of them left in a rush.

"They're totally dating." Punz and Sapnap say in unison, looking at each other. "Anyways, take your time together. We'll be with the others." Sapnap says, pointing towards the others.

I sighed and looked at Tommy, pinching his cheeks, "So, what now, big man?"

Tommy quickly slaps my hands away and glares at me, "Don't baby me, I'm not a child-"

"You are." I snorted, and he just groaned.

We see Corpse slowly approaching, hanging his head down, "Can I sit here with you, guys?" He asks with his deep voice.

"Sure, go right ahead." I smiled at him, I can't see his whole face, but I know he smiled back because of his eyes.

"Sorry, there's just too many people here... Kinda uncomfortable, you know? Like, I know these people, but still... I just hate crowds so much." Corpse cringes, looking at the people from the party.

"I totally get you, man." Says Tommy, chuckling at the anxious Corpse.

Corpse puts down his mask, but looks away, carefully covering his whole face, drinking his beer. He slowly puts it back on and looks at us, "Really needed that drink, want some?" He offers us a glass.

Tommy and I decline, "No, thank you. We're still underaged actually, so maybe next time." I told him.

He nods understandingly, "Sure."

I lean my head onto Tommy's shoulder, looking at the people interacting with each other, dancing, and drinking. It was a very nice atmosphere, but our social skills are a bit messed up. I know Tommy wants to talk to people, but he knows I don't, so he decided to keep me company, which is really sweet of him.

Ranboo and Tubbo came back and sat on the couch with us, they greeted Corpse. Tubbo and Corpse had some funny conversations, and the man looked like he enjoyed talking to Tubbo, he even laughed quite a lot. The five of us just talked about anything we can think of, it was mainly Tubbo and Tommy making up conversations though.

"We should stream some time, Corpse, the five of us." Tommy grins.

Corpse nods, "Sure, I'm sure it would be very fun."

"Maybe we can make our own SMP?" I suggested and they seemed surprised.

"You are so smart, (Y/n)! That would be very cool, right?" Tubbo exclaims excitedly.

"Yeah, that's gonna be cool," Ranboo says, adjusting his sunglasses.

The energy on the five of us was amazing, nothing awkward, just pure fun. It was nice to see Corpse enjoying the same way that we're all enjoying. We didn't really participate in the party, but we were all having our own little fun.

This day was one of the best.

[ A/N: Short chapter but eh... ]

"White Lie" [c!TommyInnit x fem!Reader]Where stories live. Discover now