Mick x Max 2

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For Jalika2000 The Boys tryna find Max of course they're being a bit stupid and Griddad Seb has to help them.

Also all the Team are staying in the same hotel in this.

"Okay we have two Options here, either we all go and search for Max or we break into his room and steal the playstation." Lando considered as he, George and Charles were stood in front of Max' closed hotelroom.

"I'm pretty sure he'll turn up. We're not breaking into his room, how would you even do that?"

"I mean he invited us after all so we might as well. Stop being so boring George."

"Why don't we just ask Checo? Isn't he like Right in the room next door"

"Oh my god you actually said something usefull Charles"

"You're not one to talk Lando. You say useless stuff 90 percent of the time." George stated.

"Yeah, Fuck off " Lando laughed and then turned to knock on Sergio's door.

Seconds later the door was opened and a confused Checo was looking at the three drivers.

"Uhm Max is next door." He slowly said unsure what they would want from him.

"Yeah you know he actually isn't. We were supposed to meet for a few games in Max' room about ten minutes ago, but he isn't there nor has he come yet." Lando stated their Problem.

"Do you by any Chance know where he is or could be?" George questioned.

"Well if he's not in his room not. The Team Meeting ended half an hour ago so he should definetly be back by now. I'll come search with you though. It's very unusual for Max to not be here yet."

"Thank you Checo"

While Checo grabbed his phone Lando got his out to phone Daniel. Maybe his teammate knew where Max was.

"Lando? Why are you calling, did something happen? Did I miss a Team Meeting?"

"No. No Team meeting. UHm we were just wondering if you know where Max is by any Chance? George, Charles, Max and I decided to Play some Video games together before we all fly back and we agreed to meet at Max' fifteen minutes ago, but he's not there."

"Nah I haven't seen him in the hotel at all. Are you sure he's not just at track or something Maybe a meeting came up"

"Well Checo said the last meeting ended half an hour ago"

"Meet me in the lobby in five I'll go get Seb he always knows what's going on"

"Thanks Daniel."

After Lando summarised the call for the rest, they made their way down to the lobby.

"Do you guys think something happened?" Lando asked.

"I don't think so. It may be unusual for Max, but who knows maybe he just got caught up talking to a mechanic or his engineer." George said.

"What's up fellas? How's it goin'?" Daniel walked through one of the doors in the lobby Sebastian right beside him.

"Did you already search for him in the hotel?" Seb asked as soon as Daniel and him reached the other drivers.

"No only his room." Charles said.

"Okay so I'd say we'll search at the bar, the pool, garden and the rooftop. Best we split up, Lando, Daniel you're going to the pool, no jumping in", Seb looked at them warningly, "Charles, George you'll go and search on the rooftop, don't fall off if possible, Checo searches at the bar and here in the lobby again while I go the garden. In fifteen minutes here again"

"Yes Dad." Charles responded, Seb rolling his eyes at the answer before heading out of the building.

15 minutes later everyone came back. Without Max. 

"Okay I know one more place where we he could be", Seb said, "Just follow me"

Seb lead the six of them to the elevators and pressed the button with the number six.

Once the elevator reached the sixth floor they stepped out and followed Seb to the room with the number 1023. 

Without hesistating Sebastian knocked on the door. "Mick, it's me"

The door swung open and the smile on Mick's face turned into a confused frown when he saw five other drivers behind his friend who looked just as confused as Mick did. 

"Why would Max be here?" Lando asked, not understanding why Max would be in Mick's hotelroom.

"I am actually but what are you all... OH shit I forgot the meeting. I'm sorry guys, but I ran into Mick and we decided to catch up a bit and yeah. Why didn't you just call though?"

Seb turned around with a blank expression while the other five just stared at Max in shock, who was standing in the doorframe beside Mick now.

"You're telling me we just searched the entire hotel and worried that godknows happened when you haven't even tried calling him?" Seb said not believing what he had just heard.

"Uhm", Lando scratched the back of his head slightly, "We might have forgotten that one"

"Als wenn ich nicht schon genug Kinder hätte (As if I don't have enough children already)" Sebastian shook his head.

"Whatever unimported. What is important though, how do you two even know each other? Mick has nothing to do with RedBull and you Max have nothing to do with Ferrari or Haas." Charles asked the two after they had all stepped into Mick's hotelroom.

"You do realise our fathers drove together? They even were teammates for a short while fuck sake" 

Once again the five drivers looked completely confused while Mick and Seb where just smiling softly. 

"Michael was always uncle Michael for me. We may have never really raised in the same category, but our families would meet up, we would go to races with our fathers and stuff like that. We've known each other since we were children" Max explained.

"Yeah that actually makes sense." Daniel dumbly mumbled, a wide grin spread on his face nevertheless. 

"We lost contact like two or three years ago though so now we have a lot of catching up to do, you know exchange the gossip and all that." Mick shyly threw in. Not completely comfortable with the drivers other than Max and Seb.

"I've missed my bestie you know."

"EXCUSE ME? Do I have to get jealous?" Daniel looked at Max offended one hand on his chest in exclamation.

"Yeah well you were only a replacement " Max said, but he obviously didn't mean it.

"I thought you loved me Maxymoo"

"Don't you ever fucking call me that again or I will murder you Joseph."

Max and Daniel glared at each other for a seconds before they started laughing, getting everyone else to laugh as well.

Hope you like it. It's not beta read though.

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