Pierre Gasly x Daniel Ricciardo

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Because Daniel really loves pierre's name and I think he would be that kind of person to still give his partner a lot of pet names even if it's just to annoy them

This is pure fluff

POV Pierre:

He was currently giving an interview when all of a sudden there were two hands on his shoulders and mere seconds later he heard Daniel's voice.

"Pierre Gaslyyyyyyy" 

Sometimes Pierre wanted to strangle his boyfriend, he really did, but Daniel was too hot and cute for that so he decided against it.

"You really love my name right?"

He answered smiling slightly.

"It's beautiful" 

Being able to turn around now that Daniel was wandering off to his next interview, Pierre could spot the typically wide grin on his boyfriend's face.

Fidgeting with his jacket he turned back around to continue his interview, but the only thing he could think off was Daniel and his goddamn smile. It really was hell and heaven falling for Daniel Ricciardo and actually getting to date him.

The best part of the day was this though. Entering his hotelroom finding Daniel, laying on his bed, scrolling through his phone.

With a soft smile Pierre walked over to him and laid down next to him.

"Hello Beautiful"

The smile on his face grew wider. Daniel finally put his phone aside and gently started caressing Pierre's back.

"I love you", Pierre mumbled, face squished in the pillow.

"I love you too, honey"


Pierre did his best at giving Daniel the biggest puppy eyes possible. His boyfriend grinned in response.

"With you always, but how 'bout a shower first? We're both stinky from media day."

"pft I don't stink Ricciardo."

Nevertheless he got up, pulled his shirt over his head and got out of his pants.

"I like what I'm seeing"

"You were the one that wanted a shower so get out of your clothes before I'm finished with showering without you."

Amusedly he watched Daniel hurriedly stand up and quite literally throw his clothes off. A surprised yelp escaped him, when Daniel lifted him up in his arms and almost ran to the bathroom.

Pierre was giggling uncontrollably when Daniel put him down again and fell foward against his boyfriends chest.

One hand was on his waist the other gently cupped Pierre's face, before Daniel lowered his lips onto Pierre's.

The kiss was soft, gently and so full of love, Pierre thought his chest was going to burst with the amount of love he felt for the man in front of him.

They shared more soft kisses in between shampooing each others hair and body. Daniel gave him a nice head massage, while Pierre placed small kisses on Daniel's shoulder and collarbone.

They dried each other off, before laying down in bed again, putting on a film Pierre's head on Daniel's chest and Daniel's arm around Pierre's back.

"Do you ever think about what would have happened if you didn't become a formula 1 driver?"

Pierre frowned at the question, he wasn't used to Daniel being serious and asking questions like that out of nowhere.

"I mean obviously, but in the end I never gave up on that dream and latest when i signed for the redbull academy I forgot aout all the other plans I had in my life. And I'm really glad I became a Formula 1 driver because otherwise I wouldn't have met you."

The arm around his back tightened around him and Pierre didn't need to look up to know Daniel was softly smiling, so different from his normally wide grin.

"It's just that sometimes I wish we could just be normal you know? No one knowing our names and having a normal job. I'm really thankfull for everything and I love what we're doing, but I really wish we could walk down the street hand in hand without fearing to be seen."

"Do you want to come out?"

The body beside him tensed and when he turned to look at Daniel's face, the other's mouth was wide open and his eyes had a shocked expression in them.

"You actually... You mean but your career..."

Pierre sat up slightly so he was hovering over Daniel and put a hand on his cheek.

"Daniel I love, I would do anything for you. And if you want to come out I want that as well. I will fight everyone that makes just a single stupid comment alright? We're in this together."

"Okay, yes, alright. Can we just I don't know, behave like a normal couple in public and if someone asks then we tell them?"

Pierre smiled, giving his boyfriend a light kiss.

"Everything you want my love"

Someohow this ended up completely different from what I was actually going for and I'm not sure if I like it, but I hope you enjoy anyway.

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