Leon goretzka x Daniel Ricciardo

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Its_a_yoke made me write it👉👈
Leon in Monaco for holidays what do we say?

POV Leon:

Why did he even agree to this. He could have just stayed at the hotel but no of course his friends had to drag him to visit the city. Just that now his friends were visiting the city alone and he was wandering around in Monaco, not knowing where he was.

It was a great situation really. 'Meet us in the café in front of the hotel' they said, 'you can't unsee it' they said.

Here he was now standing in a café that was apparently not the café his friends meant. On top of that Leon had no idea how to get to said café.

Out of frustration he just ordered himself a coffee and sent his location to his friends hoping they would get the hint and pick him up.

Now the only thing he had to do was find a place to sit. Which turned out to be very difficult since there was no free table.

"You seem a bit lost. Wanna sit down and have a talk, Im waiting for a friend anyway? I'm Daniel by the way"

A voice behind him said and made him turn around. Sitting there at a table was a goodlooking guy with dark curls, a huge smile and sparkling eyes, wearing shorts and an oversized T-shirt.

"Uhm yeah I was supposed to meat my friends, but there was a misunderstanding and now I just want a coffee."

Leon was a bit uncomfortable just sitting down at a table with a random stranger, but the man was still grinning at him like the sun herself so eventually he sat down.

"You have a very german accent so I assume you're not from here or you just recently moved here?"

Well turned out, Daniel was a very talkactive person. Leon was not sure if he liked it or not.

"Well no. I'm just here on vacation. You live here?"
He responded because he was sure the other man didn't speak french at least he didn't sound like it and as far as Leon knew french was the official language here in Monaco.

"Yeah moved here couple years ago work-related, lived in Italy before, but I was born in Australia you know. The Aussie in me never left. Since I can't be there I have to carry it in me"

The smile on Daniel's face turned into a cheeky grin, that didn't really reach his eyes. However, he didn't feel like he was in the position to ask so he just kept quiet.

"So what about you mate. What are your hobbies. Whatcha doin here in Monaco?"

This man was a bundle of happiness and Leon couldn't help, but smile.

"My friends decided that Monaco was the right place for a vacation and after we spent the last week on a yacht basically doing nothing but party they decided that apparently being completly hungover after five days of just partys was the right time to play tourist around the city."

The laugh Daniel let out could honestly end wars. Leon felt unbelievably comfortable in this man's presence he just wanted to hug him close to his chest and never let him go again, best he would take him back to munich.

Yeah okay no this was escalating a little bit. He didn't even know who that was, he only knew his Name was Daniel and that he was from Australia and moved to Monaco work-related.

Leon was so deep in his thoughts he didn't notice someone approaching them, completly forgetting Daniel was waiting for someone as well.

"What's up Mike, you took to Long so I found myself a new friend. This is Leon. Leon this is Michael"

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