Yuki Tsunoda x Lando Norris

809 44 14

inspired by Sweet-tooth from 12romy on AO3

Awkward flirting and oblivious, shy Lando and Yuki is a bottom but he is feisty and confident

POV Yuki

He couldn't pinpoint when it had happened or when he really noticed for the first time. It must have happened somewhere through the 2021 Season, but Yuki didn't really notice until it was the winter break and he couldn't see Lando every other week.

So when the 2022 Season started Yuki made it his Job to get Lando to go out with him.

It started simple. Spending more time with the other man. Casually talking about gaming or the race just in between practise sessions or during the driver's parade.

At some point he had picked up on some of Lando's weird eating habits, because he was spending so much time with him. So he started bringing him snacks.

At first it was just bought one's and the first time Yuki did it, Lando blushed slightly and silently accepted the little gift.
The second time he did it Lando blushed again and whispered a small thank you, Daniel having a shiteating grin on his face watching them.

The third time Yuki gave Lando a snack the other stuttered a bit asking him to share the food with him.

"Everything for you!", Yuki winked at him, taking one of the snacks and sitting down. Lando looked at him, mouth open wide, frozen in place for a second before the older one sat down as well.

They sat in silence eating the food, their shoulders touching slightly.


After a while it became their ritual, Yuki wandering off to find Lando in between sessions, taking a snack with him for them to share.

It gave Yuki the confidence to bring a self-made snack the next time. The first time it was a simple blueberry muffin. He hid the Muffin in a package so Lando couldn't see it.

"I want you to close your eyes and then tell me if you like it. I made it myself"

Lando seemed unsure at first but closed his eyes. Yuki held the Muffin to his mouth and watched Lando take a small bite, chewing experimentally.

Yuki smiled to himself as Lando let out a soft sigh, opening his eyes and taking the Muffin from Yuki to take another bite.

"This is really freaking good. Did you honestly make this yourself?"

"Yeah. It's just a standard recipe I found on the Internet, but I was sure you'd like it so"

"Fuck! This is the best Muffin I ever had."

That caused Yuki to look down at his shoes. He wasn't used to that much praise from someone simply because he could make a simple Muffin. He knew he was a good cook, but he barely cooked for anyone else.

"Thank you", he managed to answer.


Over the course of the next few races, Yuki made more muffins, cookies, smoothies and other little Snacks for Lando to eat.

It wasn't until the last race before the summer break that Yuki risked something again. He knew Lando was difficult with his food by now, but he really wanted to make something from his home country for the other.

Mochi seemed like a good option. It was getting more popular in europe and North America these days as well and Yuki figured Lando would like it.

Lando looked a bit lost when Yuki had handed him a pair of chopsticks to eat the mochi with and he couldn't help but laugh.

"Here let me help you."

Yuki handed the plate with mochi to Lando and took the chopsticks in his hands, picking up one of the mochi balls and lifted it to Lando's mouth.

To say he was nervous when Lando took the first bite was an understatement. He held his breath until he could see Lando's eyes light up and a smile form on his face.

"This is so good, what is this? Please make this more often!"

"It's mochi. It's a japanese food. I really hoped you'd like it."

"It's amazing."

"Well I'm glad. I'm gonna take you home with me so you can try my Mom's Mochi then.", Yuki winked at him, "I think I might have to teach you how to eat with chopsticks before that though."

Lando opened his mouth a couple of times, but seemingly didn't find the words. Yuki smiled softly at him, before looking around and placing a light barely registrable kiss on Lando's cheek.

"We'll be texting over the break I hope"

He saw Lando nod slightly still kind of in his own world"


And they did text over the break. Exchanging pictures of food, their friends, their families and themselves.

When Lando sent him a picture of him shirtless wearing a silly pare of glasses Yuki recognized from somewhere he couldn't help but make a comment.

Oh damn, you gotta watch out that your phone doesn't overheat with all that hotness.

Lando however was way to oblivious to understand said comment.

It's night by now not really hot anymore

Yuki simply laughed and he laughed so loud all of his friends were staring at him. Oh, he would definetly continue making comments like that.

So he did. Whenever Lando would send him a picture of himself Yuki would throw a bad pick-up line at him.


They kept texting over the entire break, but they didn't meat up before the next race much to Yuki's disappointment.

When Yuki walked up to Lando's motorhome this time he heard him before he saw him.

"I can't just ask him out. He proably doesn't even like me, Carlos."

"Lando are you serious right now?", Yuki could vividly see the disbelief on Carlos' face, "He brings you snacks and only you. He texted with you the entire summer, no wait he fucking flirted with you over text the entire summer and you just fucking told me he even kissed your cheek? that boy is a fucking simp for you and he doesn't even try to hide it."

Before Lando could reply, Yuki cleared his throat to make the two men notice him.

"While I think it is kind of sad you don't want to ask me out, I would very much like ot ask you out so... Lando norris, do you want to go on a date with me?"

Carlos had to close Lando's mouth because the McLaren driver was gaping at him like a fish. Lando shook his head slightly before nodding wildly.

"Yes, yes I want a date with you, but only if you cook"

The last part was whispered so quietly one could think Lando didn't want him to hear him, but Yuki understood nevertheless.

"To your service", Yuki grinned at the older one, saluting to him.


Roughly a week later they were in Yuki's house in Italy ahead of the italian Grand Prix. Yuki had made them some dumblings and a Panna cotta as desert.

He couldn't hide the proud smile, whe Lando finally managed to hold his chopsticks right and pick up the dumbling with it. It was still a bit clumsy, but it made him smile from ear to ear.

After dinner they moved to the living room to watch a movie. Lando insisted on making him watch Mission impossible, but in the end Yuki didn't care at all.

He was happy to cuddle into Lando's side almost sitting on his lap and purring like a cat when Lando petting his hair with the hand that wasn't holding him by the waist.


For me exam Season officially starts again tomorrow.

I have a german exam tomorrow and then math on thursday. I'll give my best to still post something, but you might not hear from me at all the next to weeks.

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