Marc Marquez x Fabio Quartararo

523 24 5

I had covid and what did I do? started to obsess with yet another (male dominated) Sport


Marc was nervous. Actually that was an understatement. He was loosing his shit. And his boyfriend was just watching him pace around the kitchen trying not to laugh. Marc truly loved Fabio with his entire being, but right now he really wanted to slap the younger one.

Marc was going to introduce Fabio to his family today. His parents and Alex would come over for dinner and while Marc had already told them he had a boyfriend he was still nervous.

He couldn't really explain why. Alex even had to listen to him simp over Fabio before the two even got together. Obviously Alex didn't know who his brother was simping over at that point, but he definetly knew enough to expose Marc.

Fabio however seemed to be way too calm considering he was soon to meet his boyfriends parents for the first time. They had seen each other at the race track a couple of times yes but that wasn't the same.

Marc flinched together when two arms wrapped around him from behind, so deep in his thoughts he didn't even register Fabio approaching. He relaxed shortly after, letting his head fall against Fabio's shoulder and effectively hiding in his boyfriend's neck.

Fabio smiled happily and pressed a reassuring kiss to Marc's forehead.

"Everything is going to be fine baby alright? Your dad already loves me anyway"

Fabio coudn't hide the sheepish grin anymore, lovingly poking Marc's side's with his hands.

"I hate you"

A pout spread over the face of the 8-time-Worldchampion, trying to wiggle out of Fabio's hold. The bell was his saviour in the end. Marc took his boyfriends hand, if to reassure Fabio or calm himself down, he wasn't so sure.

He only let go again when he opened the door. While his Mama seemed to not notice Fabio right away, firmly hugging Marc to greet him. Alex and his Dad immeadiately took notice of him.

His Dad went over to hug Fabio tight to his chest.

"I'm happy it's you son."

Marc noticed the shock Expression on his boyfriends face after thos words from his Dad. But his view was blocked by his annoyingly taller younger brother.

"Damn, how did you land that one. All this time and you never told me you were talking about el Diablo. I will have so much fun telling him how much of a simp you are."

Alex clapped him on the back as if to congratulate him but Marc only threw him a warning glance.

"Shut up. Don't tell him shit. I can't have him be all overwhelmed and leave me again he is the best thing that ever happened to me"

Marc raised a finger into his Brothers face, who only dramtically clasped at his chest with one hand.

"I will take that one personally how could you say that. Am I not the most important thing in your life any more little brother."

Marc raised an eyebrow at his younger brother's Antics.

"I'm older than you"

Before Alex could tease Marc some more Fabio hugged Marc from the back again, bringing himself into the conversation.

"I guess you'll have to share with me now, because I'm not giving him back"

A smile spread over both of the Marquez' Brothers face.

"That's fine as long as you don't hurt him. If you don't plan on letting him go anyway, I have a lot of stories to tell you"

Marc growned, swiftly turning around in Fabio's arms to hide his face in his boyfriend's chest. Said boyfriend however only laughed and softly ran his hands through Marc's hair.

"I promise I will love you no matter how weird the stories may be"

Fabio wrapped a hand around Marc's face and gently urged him to look at him. In Fabio's eyes was so much adoration that it made Marc blush all over again. The two lovers smiled softly at each other.

"I love you too"


Something very short and endearing I hope
And I hope wattpad doesn't fuck up the image again or just delete it completely when i post it

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