Unai Simón x Carlos Sainz

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I said it before I'll say it again here. This year's Euros made me fall in love with Simón.

POV Unai:
Disappointment. Anger. Frustration. Sorrow.

It all went through my mind, my heart, my entire body at the same time.

We could've had that win. It was right in front of our eyes. If only I would've managed to save these penalties. It worked against switzerland why didn't it work against Italy as well.

It was probably all just luck. I could never be that goalkeeper for spain. No one probably could but I definetly wasn't good enough.

My teammates, my trainer, none of their words really reached me. It was as if I'm stuck in my own head. I didn't believe them when they told me it wasn't my fault.

The bad feelings would only be half as bad if my boyfriend could be here. But he can't. He's in Italy. I just wished that I could've given him that win, that final, but I couldn't.

Now, Carlos was stuck in Italy, most definetly having to listen to his entire neighborhood celebrate.

It just sucked all together. Finally we found together, functioned as a team and it wasn't looking bad and all of a sudden Italy get one good counter attac and gone is the dream of the final.

It was time to reflect and for the best of it I wanted to do it on my own. Sitting in my sorrows and train even harder.

The drive back with the boys was quiet. Everyone deep in their own thoughts.

I just wanted to get home. Lay down on my bed, call Carlos and be disappointed.

When I finally arrived in Bilbao hours later, I was exhausted the drive in the taxi more of a routine than anything else.

After I had found the keys to my door and opened it, I stepped into the house leaving my bags right there in the hallway and just trotting up the stairs to my bedroom.

"Hey, where are you going?"

The sound of a very familiar voice made me startle and turn around immeadiately.

"Carlos?" I said, not quite believing my own senses. Not sure if the brown chocolate eyes and the open arms of my boyfriend were real.

"Yeah. Come here Baby. You did amazing. We'll be back next year."

Still a little bit shocked I made my way toward Carlos and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I've missed you. But why are you here aren't you supposed to be in Italy."

I questioned, while i breathed in the scent I missed so dearly, burrying my nose in his hair.

"You really thought I wanted to be in Italy when we're playing against them?"

I just shrugged my shoulders. In the end I didn't really care why Carlos was here, the only thing that mattered was that he was here. That I could hold him in my arms and that I wouldn't have to drown in my sorrows alone.

"Do you wanna go to bed and just cuddle?"

Carlos asked after a few minutes of just standing in the hallway. I nodded before I slowly untangled myself from Carlos to take his hand and pull him upstairs.

Normally he would be lying on my chest, but today it was the other way round. I had my arms wrapped around his Torso, lying between his legs, with my head resting on his upper stomach.

Carlos was gently carding through my hair, while murmuring words of engouragement and repeating again and again how proud of me he was.

"You did so good. I'm so proud of you. Next year you will show them. The penalty shoutout was unfortunate. You saved two against Switzerland and one against Italy. Don't ever blame yourself for not catching more. That's amazing. You are amazing and I love you so much"

Carlos' voice was not more than a whisper, but it was perfectly domestic. It felt like home. It was as if all the bad things on my mind just disappeared. As if Carlos shoved them away with his hand.

"I love you too. You're my everything. You're home for me."
I said that because it was true and I believed in it. Carlos was home for me, so I lifted myself up from his stomach a bit just to look at him and then press a kiss onto his lips.

A hand came to rest in my hair again, the other on my back carefully pushing me down again. A smile spread on my face as I slowly lowered myself down so I was lying right on top of my boyfriend, still kissing him softly.

"You're my home too"

Carlos whispered against my lips, before he captured them in another kiss again. The loss only felt half as bad now.

If I could I would spent the rest of my life lying on the bed with Carlos, doing nothing more, but cuddling and kissing. There was no better feeling than this.

"You know what?"

I asked after we separated again.


Carlos questioned with a smile on his face.

"I can come visit your next Grand Prix. It's Silverstone right? I think I can arrange that. I've still got a little bit of summer break left after all."

I saw how my boyfriends eyes lit up with every word that I said.


He said, a sparkle in his eyes and a big grin almost splitting his face in two.

"Yeah really"

I answered smiling as well. If I was out of the euros I might as well go support my boyfriend even though I didn't know shit about F1. Just seeing Carlos happy was enough reason to go.

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