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I wake up before Jane.I have to be at work at 7. I get in the shower and Jane drags herself in the restroom to relieve herself. 
-Maur it's early what time do you have to be
in? BABE I have to be there before 7. I start at 7 all week so I can get off early to meet with the contractor.
Jane washes up and opened the shower door to kiss me and leaves to go back to bed.
I  finish up and get dressed. I make us breakfast and leave Jane a note on the coffee maker. Breakfast in oven babe.♡ Maur.
I  turned off the alarm and locked the garage door and reset the alarm when the garage door went down.  Jane had her alarm to go off if the garage door was opened because of her gun safe.  I  arrived at work and noticed I have to get my lexus home still. I  see Clara.
-I hope you enjoyed your mini vacay we are getting more corpses than usual.  The cops figured out who poisoned the doctor.  It was a nurse he was having an affair and he told her he wasn't leaving her when he retired.  I guess he had promised her he would.  Clara that is sad and horrible.  I am going to tell you something to keep to yourself. MAURA YOU KNOW I WILL.  I KNOW WE DIDN'T WORK OUT BUT I STILL RESPECT YOU AND I WAS JEALOUS WHEN I SAW YOU WITH THE DETECTIVE.  I AM BETTER NOW. I AM MOVING IN WITH HER AND NOT SEEING ANYONE ELSE ANYMORE. SHE IS  THE ONE FOR ME. MAURA I AM HAPPY FOR YOU.  I REALLY AM. LET'S HAVR LUNCH TO CELEBRATE MY TREAT. SURE WE CAN DO THAT.  EXCUSE ME FOR A MINUTE. Dr. ISLES.  Its me Frankie.  Frost and I am coming to get your car. Where do you want it at? New location.  Okay,  I will come to the basement to get the keys.  Thanks Frankie.  Please put it in the garage for me. I will. I owe you and Barry. No, as long as you are loyal to my sister, you won't owe me anything.  You know I promised that and meant it.
Clara and I go to the basement. Clara gets going on her portion of blood work testing and other fluids while I go to my office to catch up on my emails and phone calls. I hear a knock.
-Aye Frankie,  Barry. Let me get you my keys . Whose driving? Frost is I lost paper scissors 3 out of five.
I hand Barry my keys and Clara comes in.
-Hello there.  Clara this Is detective Frost and Detective Rizzoli with his recent promotion. You are Jane's brother. Yes, I am. Nice meeting you.  I will go up to the first floor with you. No need Clara I am not interested nor am I. Wow, a double whammy I get.  Its OKAY fellows I am a lesbian.  Oh sorry.  I didn't want you to get the wrong idea nor me. Its okay. 
Wow, Clara handled that well surprising.  I  answered my land line.
-Dr. isles.  Sweetie  its me.  I forgot to tell you the guys are coming for your car. I know they just left. Okay talk to you later.  Babe I will have dinner ready when you come home.  Sweetie thank you for my breakfast. No problem gotta to another line is ringing.
Dr. ISLES.  yes. I will be right up there sir.

I  go upstairs and Clara is in his office crying.
Dr. Isles Clara informed me of some troubling news. Which is what sir? You made a sexual advance on her in front of two detectives.  I did what? NO, I DID NOTHING OF THE SORT. UNTIL WE SORT THIS OUT, WE WILL HAVE TO ASK YOU TO LEAVE.  I UNDERSTAND.  PLEASE KEEP HER WITH YOU UNTIL I LEAVE. I WOULDN'T WANT ANOTHER FALSE ACCUSATION MADE TOWARDS ME. I WILL DR. ISLES.
I call Frankie. 
-Frankie don't leave we need to Talk.  I AM getting my things and I will follow you back okay. We will wait.
I tell the staff that I am under investigation as of this morning.  I will be off of work until this investigation can be included.  Please continue to do your jobs.  I enter my office and lock and log out of my work computer. I noticed someone has accessed a file.  I call the chief immediately.  Sir is Clara still with you no? Why Dr. Isles? Someone recently accessed a confidential file on the death of Dr. Hodges.  I never got to open in so I have no clue what it stated. The two detectives that Clara said I made sexual advances  are outside waiting for me now with my other vehicle.  Thanks Dr. Isles I.will have our tech department to look into it. Please log out and lock up your office. I will sir.
Iog out and lock my office up and set the alarm.
-Frankie Barry be careful around Clara.  She made a serious accusation towards me that I sexually harassed her in front of you guys. The chief has to look into this farce.  Also while I was with him and on my way down, I Asked him to keep her with him and he agreed. I spoke to my staff that I was being investigated and went to my office. Someone had access my computer on the doctor who died in the parking garage.  I never knew what the report stated except what clara told me this morning.  SHE SAID IT WAS A NURSE HE WAS HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH AND HAD NO PLANS ON LEAVING HIS WIFE WHEN HE RETIRED.  SUPPOSEDLY HE PROMISED HE WOULD ONCE HE RETIRED.  SHE WAS GLAD THAT JANE AND I ARE GOING TO LIVE TOGETHER AND WE WERE GOING TO HAVE LUNCH TODAY AT HER OFFER.  Maura it wasn't a nurse. She lied to you. It was his wife.  what else did she say?
Maura we need you to come to the precinct instead.  I will have Korsak assign someone to watch her. She gave you information only the killer knows. I will have Korsak contact your chief. Its good you won't be at work.  She doesn't know where my sister lives at does she? No I haven't had a chance to notify human resources of my residence address change.  I suggest you hold off on  that for now.

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