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Monday arrived and I had a hospital board meeting to be at? We were informed that we had to cut two more positions. 
-Two more.  You are putting employees and patients at risk. I won't do it. Chief you will have my resignation by the end of today business day.  Dr. Isles we are doing everything we can. Sir I disagree.  All of us head of departments could take a pay cut. 
My fellow doctors weren't happy with my suggestion.
Maura not all of us have a trust fund and mega properties left to us. Janice even if I didn't I would still feel the same. Chief my family nor I will be donating anymore. I am cancelling future events  we participate in as well and will inform my parents why.
Good day. 
I left and  called my parents immediately. Maura we agree with your decision. We will stop all checks before they go out. thanks Constance and Dad.
I went downstairs and informed my staff I was resigning and why. They understood but were worried about who was going to get cut. I packed up my belongings and made a copy of my files and left.  I went home.  I thought this would be a good time. No stressing and I might conceive better.
I  was asleep when Jane woke me up.  Babe what's wrong? You normally aren't asleep so early? I quit my job.  The board of directors informed us we were going to have to cut three more positions.  I suggested we decrease all dept heads salary and one doctor said not all can afford it like me.  Babe I am the lowest paying Dept head and I made good money. I wouldn't be able to pay for expensive dinners all.the time nor shop as I do but I could still live comfortably. I told them not to expect any more funds from myself or any Isles . I cancelled all events we were sponsoring and my parents agreed with me and were stopping all checks going out to the hospital. They are putting staff at risk and patients. I informed my staff and told them my proposal that got shot down. They understood and now they have to worry about losing their jobs..I cleared out mu belongings and made a copy of my files. SOMETHING is fishy and I don't want to be present when it comes out. I also figured I could stay home,  stress free and concentrate on conceiving our child..When I go into labor,  take me to a different hospital.  Evem Hope and you could deliver our child babe. okay. come here thanks giving is next week. We can move your furniture and just prepare for a meal at our home or Hope's. I M going to order some Thai food and we can just relax sweetie. Thanks Jane for understanding. I am going to call my family and friends and tell them not to go to that hospital and why.  Maur Korsak said thank.you. Kiki cancelled her elective surgery and will ask her doctor to use the other hospital or she will go back to Asia to have it.
The food arrived and Jane and I just ate out of the containers with some hot tea.
I was talking to Jane and Jane fell asleep with the fork in her mouth. I removed the fork and threw tje garbage in the outside trash, locked the house,  turned on the alarm and carried Jane to bed.  I layed her on the bed and Jane felt warm. Jane started coughing on her sleep.  I called Korsak and told him Jane would be staying home.  He informed me a bug was going around.
-Babe wake up and take this with water. I called in for you tomorrow. Okay thanks and Jane passed out.It took me awhile to get her out of her work. clothes. i left only her panties on and covered her up.
The following morning I woke up sick too. I was getting ready to call into work when I realized I quit. 

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