1. First Steps

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You had taken Emilia for her 11 month checkup the other day at the hospital and the doctor had told you not to let Emilia out of your sight because she was ready to walk any time now and you should start trying to encourage her.

Harry was sitting a metre or so away from where you were sitting on the floor. He had Emilia's two hands in his and he was helping her with her balance.

You held out your hands calling on her trying to get her to advance towards you. She took a few shaky steps using Harry's hands and then fell back on her bum laughing. Harry picked her up and tried again.

He repeated the process around 20 times before changing his technique. He tried placing his hands on her hips so she had her arms for balance and she took a couple of steps and once he removed his hands she continued to waddle shakily over to you.

"Well done Emilia!" You said excitedly lifting the almost 1 year old up and kissing her. "Go get daddy!" You said and done what Harry had done but you removed your hands before she started walking.

"Look at my smart girl," he said throwing her up in the air causing her giggle to erupt throughout the room.

She would be 1 in two weeks and you couldn't be more happy with your little family. It was beyond perfect. You wouldn't change a thing.

Toddler Series (Harry Styles) // Book 4Where stories live. Discover now