Chapter 24. New trio.

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Been awhile. I have been keeping to myself for the most part. One of the reasons why it took so long. That and have the block come and go. Hope you enjoy it and remember to leave a comment and review.

Chapter 24:

The first week of training had passed, overall it was a success. Naru had found three people to become his officers. Noting not only their skills but how people flocked to them. Each of them had their quirks, but so far, it worked for them. As a starting test, he had them split the group into three. Each one managing a site and their resources. It had been two days since then. Now It was time for him to check in with the trio.


Naruto was walking through the woods and enjoying the sights. As he did, his thoughts wandered to the first of the trio.

'Taka is the tallest person I've seen. With that brown hair and gruff face, he reminds me of a bear ' snorting at the image. 'His leadership skills are a little blunt, but it works for him. The others believe in him.' Taka was doing a good job so far the only negative was how closed off he was. You couldn't read his emotional state as the man hid it behind walls of steel.

Arriving at the campsite, he noted the site was clean. He soon heard the familiar bickering that couldn't help bring a smile to his face. The trio serving under Taka was a fun sight to see.

'Hiken Ennomasa is a true hot head if I've ever seen one. Also, a little touchy about his baldness' Naru snorted as an image of a bald Kiba popped into his mind.

'Nadate Toyosashi is the opposite. He is a little reserved, better than screaming his head off. Though I wish he'd stop with the whole whisper thing and speak up.' sighing and pinching his nose.

'Tokuro Bonoro honestly the most troublesome of them. I've gotten so many complaints about his cheating on cards. Maybe I should challenge him to a game to see how it plays out.' Grinning, knowing his devil's luck would rig the match in his favor.

"You cheated, don't you dare try to deny it!" Hiken shouted, holding Tokuro up by his collar. Pointing at the accused hand. Twin aces pairing up with the one on the board giving him three of a kind..

"I assure you I'm a man of fairness and honesty," Tokuro replied with an honest smile on his face. While being shook by the enraged man, a card fell from his sleeve. Catching their attention and enraging the bald man more.

"Oh, would you look at that? It's an ace I wonder where that could have come from," Hiken shouted at the sheepish-looking man held in his grip. "I'm going to get back at you for all those losses," chuckling while cracking his fingers.

"You shouldn't yell so early in the morning it's rude. Also squad members shouldn't be fighting it set's a poor example," Nadate whisper-talked.

"What was that whispers speak up, we can't hear you!" Hiken shouted in irritation and turned to the quiet man sitting away from them.

"He said we shouldn't be fighting, idiot," Tokuro added, turning Hiken's ire back to him. Flames appeared behind the man as he sent a glare of death towards the gambler.

Seeing the perfect moment Naruto made himself known. "You three seem in high spirits," he said, earning their attention. The three swiftly stood and gave him a salute, to which he returned.

"Captain, what brought you here?" Tokuro spoke first, curious about the visit.

"I was going to meet Taka. Do the three of you know where he is?" Naru inquired.

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