Chapter 26

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Chapter 27:

For many, the attack was a haze of fire and dirt. Tents set aflame and chaos ran amok through their ranks. That changed with the captain rallying them rather quickly. Ordering them to increase the patrols before taking a few troops along. Before he chased their enemy down and crushed them in one fell swoop. The fourth division's trust never wavered. It, in fact, grew. This showed them how far their captain would go for them, placing himself in danger for their sake. For it, they would follow him into hell.


Naruto sat at his desk, his shoulders slouched and small bags under his eyes. His mind stuck on the attack and losing six men under his command. While out of his control, he couldn't help but blame himself. The funeral was a quick affair, as much of the camp was still in need of repair. A scoff soon broke him from such negative thoughts.

"How long are you going to mope?" Kurama spoke. "We're both aware eventually there would be casualties. You're a nin such things are common as every moment could be your last."

"I know I'm being an idiot. It's just... I didn't think it would be so soon. Not after both Chusei and Amane." Naruto said.

"Then be better," Kurama snarked. "Use this as a lesson and become stronger. So you can protect all those things you hold dear. Powerful enough to make others tremble at your name.Instead of crying go and do something about it."

Naruto was silent for a long moment before thanking the fox. Despite what the fox said otherwise, he looked out for him. He'd tease him later for it, though. Kurma would get him back later but it was always fun to drive him a bit crazy.

"Sir, you're awake," a feminine voice said. His gaze turned towards the voice of none other than his assistant Isara. She was wearing her usual outfit. Consisting of a light green kimono with gold trimmings. She was also carrying a pot of tea on a tray for him.

"I woke up earlier. I've just been pondering things," Naru replied. Before thanking her as he accepted the cup of tea. Taking a small sip he let out a sigh of relief. Noting the taste of lavender, he never thought much about tea before Isara showed him how a good cup of tea could carry away stress.

Isara just nodded before pouring herself a cup. Before sitting down at her desk at the side to start her paperwork. She could see through his mask. The attack had taken its toll on him, but physically and mentally. There wasn't much she could do but support him as best she could. Lifting the weight of his shoulders and reducing his duties here and there.


Outer perimeter checkpoint A:

It was a hot day, but the outer guards didn't let that bother them. Their patrols had increased from before the enemy attack. It was a major wake-up call for all of them. They had gotten soft out in the wild and paid for it. Now here they stood, ever vigilant in their duties.

An hour later, a man appeared at their station. His appearance was haggard and clearly exhausted. He looked as if he'd keel over at any moment. He sent a gesture to his comrades to be ready should the stranger try anything.

"Halt! State your business," he said, raising a hand to slow him. As his comrades surrounded the man, with weapons at the ready.

"I come bearing a message from command." the messenger spoke. Before handing him the scroll to check the document. He saw the seal of lady Mei on the scroll and it appeared unopened or tampered with.

"You may pass. Two of the guards will escort you to the captain." He said, waving the man through. "Things are about to become interesting," he said after they left.

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