Chapter 8

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Following the events after Naruto and Chusei accepted a job to protect a merchant at a party.


"See anything out of the ordinary Naruto?" Chusei asked over comms. "No nothing on my end. So far so good."he replied bored. So far no one had tried anything but that didn't mean they weren't out there. The plan the two had was that Naruto was outside while Chusei was inside stealthily watching over the client.

Things went on fine for another hour till. *Boom* A portion of the wall was destroyed. Everyone ran for cover except Chusei he waited with kunai drawn for an attack. When the smoke finally cleared their were three figures in grinning masks. "You there this is a private zone please leave." Said one of the foolish butlers. One of them silenced him with a kunai. Jumping from the roof Naruto threw shurikens at the figures but they easily dodged them. "Naruto you get the two on the left I got the guy on the right." The blonde merely noded and they separated them.

With Chusei:

He landed on the far-right side of the courtyard near a pool. "Hmm I hope you can give me a challenge." The masked man said. Both Chusei and the man got into their fighting stances waiting for the other to make the first move. Both finally moved dashing towards each other, clang. Exchanging blows the man easily pushed Chusei away. "Hehe let's see how you fair against this!" Fire style: Housenka no Jutsu(Mythical fire flower.)!"Four small balls of fire were propelled towards Chusei and he countered with his own justu "Water style: Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu(Water shurikens.)" Both the fire flowers and the water shurikens hit one another generating a small amount of steam. 'Tch he's a water user not gonna get far with this.' The masked man instantly thought.

He looked left and right but didn't see Chusei but off to his left he heard. "Water style:Mizu Peretto (Water Pellet)!"A bullet of water shot at him fast he was able to dodged most of it but it hit him in the shoulder launching him back a bit. 'Cheeky bastard used the steam.' Fire style: Ryuuka no Jutsu(fire Dragon)!"A dragon shot right at the browned haired boy giving him little time. He got away but not without some burns. "Ha looks like were even." The man said. Both taking stances they prepare themselves again. "Water style: Mizu Shuriken no Jutsu(Water shurikens.) Fire style: Housenka no Jutsu(Mythical fire flower.)!"Once again the attacks hit head on and exploded creating more steam. This time the man employed the steam to his advantaged and charged catching Chusei off guard for a second and stabbing him with a kunai on his arm. Not a deep wound but with the extensive burns his injuries were collecting.

"This is fun been awhile since I found someone to match me!" The man said with a chuckle. Getting ready to strike they both stopped when they instantly noticed a fireball shoot into the sky and exploded. "Tch well looks like I have to go see you around." With that he promptly vanished leaving Chusei panting. 'I hope Naruto's alright.'

With Naruto:

Landing on the other side of the courtyard Naruto stared at the two masked figures. All of them in their stances waiting attentively for one of them to move. The black haired one threw kunai while the other one rushed to engage in taijutsu. The taller figure with nut-brown hair sent kick followed by a punch at Naruto's gut and head. Dodging both he countered with punch to his face which was deflected hitting him in the shoulder.

The brown haired man threw a mix of kunai and shurikens but Naruto counter surprised the man. "Yadama Henshin Bakuha (Projectile Deflection Blast)!" Seeing the projectiles speed towards them the black haired one shouted. "Earth style: Doroku Gaeshi(rock shield)!"Summoning the shield to block followed by."Goukakyuu no Jutsu(powerful fireball)" With no time to dodged Naruto used the replacement to swap with a log. 'That was close he is strong.' Thought the blonde. ". Kage bushin no justu!"Summoning five clones he launched at them with two at the raven haired figure and three towards the other.

Throwing punches and kicks at the man he easily dodged not noticing one of the clones sneak up behind him. "Kaze no dangan(wind bullet)!" He swore as he was struck in the back and launched a few feet from the impact. The raven had dispelled the two clones and shouted. "Koudo Supaiku (Earth Spikes)!" Spike shooting out of the ground at the blonde with him dodging but getting a few scratches. "Kaze no dangan(wind bullet)!" He shouted once again with the raven summoning the earth shield again not noticing the blonde smile. One clone came out of hiding pulling out some kunai. "Junsei Raikou Kunai no Jutsu (Pure Lightning Kunai Technique!"Throwing the kunai enhanced with lightening they penetrated the wall before exploding from the tags he added to the kunai.

The raven caught off guard was launched into a tree while the other dodged just fine. Standing up the raven could be heard panting hard while the other seemed to be fine at the moment. Not wanting them to catch their breath the blonde rushed them engaging with taijutsu. Blocking a kick, he backhanded the raven, and the sucker punched the brown hair boy but received a punch to his gut. Panting the blonde knew he was near his limit and had to end it soon. "Kage bushin no justu!" He charged them once again with his clones punching and kicking till the original got up behind the brown haired man. "Denshi no Jutsu (Lightning Release: Electron Technique)" Shooting a ball of electricity at the man he turned swiftly and noted he was unable to dodge he grabbed the raven and used them as a shield.

"What are you doing aren't you friends?!" He yelled with his blood boiling at the sight. The man laughed at his passionate outburst. "we're aqutances nothing more I have no friends." Gritting his teeth, the blonde prepared to strike again. "You do well for someone so young but I must go for now." He said before shooting a fireball into the air and vanishing instantly.

Seeing him gone the blonde sighed in relief before checking on the downed figure noting they were still alive. He quickly tied them and slinging them over his shoulder he went to go see if Chusei fared better then him. 

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