Chapter 14 Joining the Rebellion

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Chapter 14.

The trio returned to the village with no issues and in high spirits from the successful raid.

"We did it! The blonde danced around with his fist in the air and a large grin on his face. Amane was the same and Chusei had a small grin on his face. Chusei waited for several minutes for the duo to calm down before telling them of his discovery. "I found something when I infiltrated the compound." He informed while tossing a folder onto the table they were sitting at. "What's in it?" Naruto asked with a raised brow as he grabs the folder and opened it for him and Amane to see. "It's a list of supplies delivered for an upcoming operation. Whatever it is must be important for them to be gearing up so heavily." The duo nodded as both continued to read the report. "Hmm, it says here they delivered it to this area over here." She pointed at a spot on the nearby map. "Nothing is there!" Naruto added confused with Chusei placing a hand on his chin in thought.

What are they planning? Nothing is there but woods unless!' His eyes widened as he made a realization. "I have it!" He shouted making the blonde jump at his outburst. "The whole area is a good place to hide from someone. So if my guess is correct this must be where the resistance is hiding at.!" Both Naruto and Amane's eyes were wide in shock. "How, wasn't it well hidden for years?" The blonde queried. "Yes, but it was only a matter of time before they were found. Likely the loyalist will send a fair amount of troops to finish off the resistance while it can." Both the blonde and raven were lost in thought at this before Naruto spoke up. "So what now? I mean we can help but I doubt we could stop a whole army." Both his teammates quietly agreed. "Very true, the best we can do is help get as many out as we can." They were silent in thought it would no doubt be suicide but they just couldn't leave them to die. "For now we should get some rest before we make our decision tomorrow." With that, they all went off to their rooms to rest up for the battle. As they left for their rooms thoughts and worries about the upcoming fight echoed in their head for the remainder of the night.

Noon the next morning:

"You both ready for this?" Chusei asked his teammates and received a nod in response. They were quiet for the duration of the journey each lost in thought. A few hours later they noticed smoke in the distance and upon arriving the fight was in full swing. War cries and explosions were the only things heard on the battlefield. "Naruto you're in front, Amane you got mid and I have back. Keep close and keep aware we don't want to be separated nor ambushed. They did another quick check on their weapons and supplies and masks before hopping into the fray.

"Charge, this is our chance to finish those dirty rebels!" Shouted a Kiri nin before he was silenced by a kunai to the throat. "Aaah! E-enemy ambush!" Screeched another nin. "Wind style - Wind bullet!" The blonde roared sending three bullets at the crowd of nin catching them off guard and launched them away. "Bastard! Water style - Evil Windmill Water Shuriken!" Shouted one and followed by another Jutsu from the loyalists. Water style - Water Shuriken Technique! Both attacks were quickly countered by Amane with her wall. "Earth style - Rock shield.!" Chusei utilized this opportunity and launched his fire Jutsu. " Fire style - Mythical fire flower." The fire flowers hammered the duo burning them to a crisp. He sensed something to his side and luckily dodged a katana aimed for his neck. " Lightning style - Pure lightning kunai technique!" The man was instantly killed with the enhanced kunai to the head. "Thanks. No problem, we need to keep a sharper eye out.!" The blonde exhaled and catching his wind.

The battle was in deadlock and neither side was giving ground as more and more people meet their ends. "Surround them." The trio heard a shout and saw 20 Kiri nins eying them at the ready. "Your outnumbered surrender now and we can make this painless." One said with a smirk. "That's what you think! Shadow clone Justu!" The blonde summoned 20 clones to combat the group. "Tch...Get them!" The group began launching kunai and jutsu's at the trio and clones. "water style - Water fang bullet!" Water appeared from under the ground-launched at the clones erasing half of them. " water style - Water sword!" Said one nin and charged at the trio. "Earth holding technique!" Yelled one nin as he and the others rushed the trio. " Earth style - Earth holding technique!" The nin's were soon halted when the earth formed around their legs trapping them. "Rasengan!" Yelled Naruto and a group of clones as they nailed the group. The clones dispelled and the trio began wandering the battlefield attacking and quickly retreating before the enemy could find and encircled them again.

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