Chapter 13 The Raid.

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After escaping prison the trio kept on the move before taking refuge in a nearby village. None of the villagers questioned the arrival of the trio as many travelers and refugees were normal since the war. The trio decided to get jobs in the village to help blend in and have some spending money. Naruto helped out with the heavy lifting and other hard tasks. Chusei got a job at a tavern as a cook to which everyone who eats there enjoyed it. Amane was working at the same tavern as a server to pick up on gossip and drunk talk from passersby. Weeks past and no one came to search for the trio so they figured they gave up. Without the threat of being hunted down gone, they could formulate a new plan.

"The first plan we had didn't do well". Chusei said to the blonde and raven. "Ha. You can say that again." Amane said in a huff. "So what now?" Inquired the blonde. "I believe we should continue to use this village as a base while keeping our jobs. While also conducting hit and run attacks on supply lines and other targets of interest." They both nodded. "I have some nin who come in the bar ever so often and I heard of a shipment was passing by to one of the forts," Amane informed the brown-haired boy. "Hmm. Did he say how many were guarding it by chance?" Asking hopefully. "He was drunk but he talked about 5 chuinins. So they are likely the only ones we should worry about unless they brought reinforcements." Chusei nodded. "makes sense they are saving the Jounin for the front lines to deal with rebels. What do you think about this Naruto?" Both his teammates turning to him.

"I agree with both of you. We attack fast and hard but when we get rid of the guards we should keep the shipment." His teammates raised a brow to this. "Why keep it instead of destroying it?" Amane asked curiously. "We should save it for when we meet rebels or anyone who needs it." They both made an ah sound and nodded their head, it made sense and they did have enough space here to hide it. "Good idea Naruto." The blonde just smirked with a small chuckled and scratched the back of his head. "When does the convoy pass by Amane? They will be here 5 days from now" She replied quickly. "Alright, we will continue with our life here and move out in 5 days." They all nodded and quickly settled in for the night.

5 Days later:

The trio was waiting in the trees by the main road with their mask on as to hide their identities. "They sat in silence for hours until they saw the convoy appearing on the horizon and sending hand signs to his team to ready themselves. They waited till the convoy were just under the trees they were sitting in before striking. "Torappingu no Jutsu (Trapping Skill)!" Amane shouted creating a 15-foot hole around the convoy the nin stumbled about confused before one spoke. "Ambush!" One of the Chunin shouted the others getting into combat stances. "Naruto jumped into the air with two clones. "Kaze no dangan - Wind bullet!" Hitting three of the five and knocking them out. "Dam it!" The last two shouted while running towards the blonde only to be stopped by Chusei. "Water style: Mizu Shuriken no justu - Water shurikens!" Hitting them from behind and catching them off guard.

"That was easy enough." The blonde said with hands behind his head. "Tie them up and then we can carry these out of here. After tying the guards the trio with help from the shadow clones carried the crates out of the hole and towards the village. Arriving as the sun began to set they stealthy carried the crates into their house. They took the crates to a secret basement they dug out with Amane's earth Jutsu for emergencies. Looking in the crates they found various things from food pills to medicine. "This was a good haul but we need to be careful from now. No doubt they'll keep an eye out now." They nodded before sealing off the hideout and returned to their disguises.


"So a loyalist shipment was intercepted was it one of us?" A feminine voice asked the man next to her. "No, we had no one in that area." He replied promptly. it means there are others besides us fighting against Yagura. Keep an eye out for whoever they are we might have a chance to recruit more potential allies. "Hai" He quickly set off to spread order to keep on the lookout for them.

Once again in the bar, Amane was cleaning tables when she heard one of the nin's ramble on with another Kiri nin. "Yeah I work at a supply depo it's the most boring job ever. We had a shipment stolen recently by some punks so were increasing the guard on convoys." Amane listened quietly while wiping down tables. Once he started to ramble on about something else she approached the nin. "Hey, guys." She said in a cute voice and swaying her hips. "I heard you talking about being a ninja. I like a man in uniform." she smiled at him.

"I found out more info on a supply base where that shipment we stole came from." Informing the duo. "How'd you find that out?" Asked the blonde. "Well, one of the Kiri nins was kind enough to tell me with a little motivation." She said as the blonde nodded. "The base is 2 days away and has 20 guards. We can expect some joinin to be there." Chusei put a hand to his chin in thought. "In that case, we need to slip in undetected and blow up the depo. You still have seals Naruto." To which the blonde nodded while smirking. "Alright, we'll have to scout out the base before we decide anything." The trio quickly got dressed in their combat gear before heading out.

Arriving at night they scouted the walls and noted the patrol routes of the guards. "The east side has fewer people but I feel like that could be a trap. Agreed we should make a distraction while one or two of us go over it elsewhere." Amane suggested. "I think I should do it while you and Naruto provided the distraction. As your skill lies in defense and Naruto's in offense unlike me." Handing Chusei the seals Naruto and Amane ran off to the east wall. "It's so boring I wish something would happen! Tell me about it." Suddenly as if their prayer was heard a loud boom sound was heard throwing the two back. "What was that!" Looking around the forest they spotted two figures with a fox and bear mask. "Enemy attack on the east wall!"

Sirens began to blare out as the ninja guarding the depo left for the east side. "Surrender you're outnumbered!" One of them shouted to the duo to which they only got a chuckle from the fox masked man. "Please, I'm never outnumbered. Kage Bushin No Jutsu!" Summoning 50 clones they rushed the surprised guards with a loud battle cry.

On the other side of the fort:

Chusei using the opportunity provided by his teammates made it easily over the wall while avoiding the remaining guards. He placed the seals quickly and quietly without issues and was about to leave before finding the commander's office. Deciding on a detour he searched through the files in the office. Going through several pointless documents he found an interesting one. It was a supply request for a mission in a week to eliminate a large number of rebels. Quickly taking the document with him he placed one more tag under the chair before heading back outside and over the wall. He launched a fireball into the sky to let them know he was done.

Clang. "Augh!" A nin said before being launched back into two of his comrades. The duo noticed the fireball and nodded to each other it was time to go. Using his remaining clones he kept he guards at bay while he and Amane escaped. Making to the rendezvous on a hill they watched as the base exploded before disappearing back into the shadows once more. With this feat, the trio's reputation would increase as would their bounty.

Chapter end.

There you have it hope you enjoyed it while not the longest of chapters it helps set us up for later. Till next time fellow readers.

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