Chapter 19 best-laid plans.

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It's been a while and I do apologize, I've been keeping to myself as of late. I also hope all of you are keeping safe and keeping calm and not letting anxiety get the best of you. And if it does find someone to talk too it helps ease it a bit and also find something to distract you.

Chapter 19

A few weeks have passed since we caught the spy and promoted from chunin into a special jounin. Mei said that it was a step up and with our new ranks gives us a few more privileges as well as missions. I always imagined becoming one back in the leaf...unfortunately it seems that it can no longer happen. But I won't let that stop me and my friends. We'll climb to the top of the ladder. Also, I hope the old man Hokage and Mako are proud.

Journal entry 45 of Uzumaki Naruto.

"This is getting annoying!" Naruto said while gritting his teeth as he pushed a loyalist back. "Chusei, Amane quick while they're winded! He shouted back to his teammates as they rushed the enemy knocking them to the ground unconscious. "That was easy!" Amane said while tying the fallen ninja up. "True, but the attacks are getting more and more frequent" Chusei added carrying two nin to the cart nearby. "Wish they'd give us a break," Naruto mumbled before overseeing the rest of the squad. "We good to go?" He asked one of the caravan who noded before taking the reins of the cart. "Back to camp then!" He semi-shouted before taking a seat next to the driver.

Rebel HQ:

"I take it the mission was a success?" Mei asked the trio standing before her. "Yes, mam. We were able to get supplies from the nearby villages." The woman nodded as she read the report further. "Another ambush that makes twelfth this week. They're stepping up their game." She said and Aoi nodded in agreement. "Is that all mam?" Chusei asked breaking them from their thoughts. "Actually yes. I know it's last-minute but a contact of ours has sent a hawk. From the letter, he has found some info for us but doesn't wish to send it by letter in case they are intercepting it."

She took a moment to let that sink in before continuing, "I need you three to go meet him in a town 2 days away." Mei finished looking at each of them gauging their reactions. "We will do it," Chusei spoke up, earning a nod from her. "Thank you, now gather your supplies and hurry. The enemy has become bolder as of late, you don't want to be captured." With that, she waved them off in dismissal.

"Thoughts?" Chusei asked once they got a fair distance from the main tent. "Seems easy to me," Naruto replied with Amane in agreement. "True but we must be aware at all times." He said before walking away. After resupplying the trio set out but not before waving off the guards who wished them well.

2 days later:

It was an uneventful journey so far though that did little to lower their guards. They slowed as they neared the village and took a moment to use a henge. The village while small was still full of people trading and bartering. "So where's our contact?" Naruto whispered to Chusei who was at the front. "He is supposed to be at an inn called the barren falls." He replied while scanning the people around the. It took a few moments and asking people for directions but they found it. The inn which was also a bar was in a shady part of the town but they paid it no mind. When they enter smoke and alcohol filled their breaths everyone seemed to mind their own business. Walking over to the counter slowly they took a seat, "What can I get ya?" The bartend asked the group with a raised brow. "Yes, we have a meeting here," Chusei replied to which the man nodded before handing them a key and pointing towards a door off to the side.

Through the door were stairs that lead down into an office that looked to be a refurbished basement. At the desk near the back of the officer was a man with pink sunglasses and a cheesy mustache and afro. "Welcome!" The man said enthusiastically with his arms spread wide gesturing to his office. "Names Izawa, the lone king of the criminal empire here in Kiri. Men fear my name and women adore me!" He shouted to the heavens while striking an odd pose. The Chusei and Amane were deadpanning at the fool in front of them while Naruto was cursing his luck and dealing with weirdos.

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