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Here is the next part of the series. Hope you all like and enjoy it.

Konoha one week after Naruto's banishment:

Tsunade was sitting in her chair looking out the window staring off into the distance. It took a few days but news of Naruto's departure reached all across the elemental nations with many looking at Konoha with disgust and anger. Everyplace the blonde had been to had voiced their anger over the decision with some of the leafs allys dropping alliances and trade agreements and the fire daimio furious about the whole matter. Suna still kept the pact but other then that they neither like nor cared about the village.

'So they finally see all the hard work you put in for the village I just wish it was under different circumstances. Wherever you are Naruto I just hope your happy and can forgive me for failing you in your time of need.'Thought Tsunade holding back tears for her favorite grandson.

After his banishment many from the civilian side celebrated about him leaving while the shinobi felt sad about the whole thing. While many never openly admitted to liking the blonde they did respect him and enjoyed having him around. As he brought a breath of fresh air and life to the village in his own way. His friends continued their training promising to become stronger and find a way to bring him back to them. Hinata was broken for awhile before she gathered her courage remembering what he would do in this situation. He would never take it lying down and neither would she with that fire she grew at a immense rate with Neji helping her with spars and clan techniques. Many people wished him the best and hoped to see him in the future thus the will of fire grew with each day in the hope of saving their friend.

With Naruto after the mountain village:

Leaving the village Naruto wandered the forest for the next few weeks to continue his intensive training under Kurama. He also took the time to examine the loot from the bandits and separate it in terms of condition and durability. As for the sword he got from Tozoku's tent he found very little about sword except that it had a golden dragon as the emblem. Continuing with his march through the woods was...unfortunate to say the least as he managed to fall into a ditch, get chased by a bear and run into some ivy which caused a rash. Throughout the whole ordeal Kurama was laughing hysterically at the poor blonde with him cursing kami for messing with him. Leaving the forest he soon found himself in a town called Oashisu it was a bit rundown but better then being in the woods for weeks on end. Besides he also came to the city to sell the items he got from the bandits as his wallet was getting empty. He asked around before he was naturally directed to a weapons shop on the far side of town.

Once inside he noticed a number of good items but with no money much less the knowledge on how to use it would make it a waste. "Excuse me sir do you happen to buy items?" The man nodded and the blonde pulled out the scroll with the items but still had some in another scroll for later. Examining them closely for what seemed forever he managed to come up with a price. "Some of the stuff you gave me looked worn out so best I can give you is 3000 ryo." The blonde accepted the deal and soon walked out with his money with him deciding on what he needed to buy next for his journey. Along the way he was bumped into by a kid who apologized before running off. "Kit you might want to check your wallet." The confused blonde did as he said and nearly had a heart attack. "I-Its gone my wallet but when whe-." He remembered the kid who ran into him and set out to find him by searching from the rooftops. It didn't take much to find him but Naruto waited for him to stop before confronting him.

"Cant run from a ninja." Said the blonde admiring his tracking skills. Ha if you were a true ninja you wouldn't have been pickpocketed."This got the blonde riled up."I was lost in thought it could have happened to anyone. Sure it could have."After a few more minutes of his argument with Kurama he went carefully towards the shack the boy went in. Once close enough he overheard an argument taking place. "Onesan but why? Because stealing is wrong sure the money can help us but if we have to take it from another then we are no better those gangsters."It took them a moment to notice he was standing in the doorway."Oh my apologies for not noticing you sir but may I ask what you want? Yes, it seems your brother here took something from me earlier."He said pointing at the bag."I'm very sorry please forgive my brother."She said handing him the bag and bowing with her head on the ground."You don't need to bow I got it back so it's all water under the bridge."She looked up at him surprised by his kindness then offered him to eat with them. She introduced herself as kotomi and her son was named kai.

"Pardon me but why does the city look so gloomy? Well, you see there is a mine not too far from here it's how the town makes money. Then one day a group of gangsters arrived threaten to torch our town and took over the mine keeping the workers there. My husband hasn't been home in weeks and I'm afraid of what they could do to him."She tried her best not to break down in front of him and her son. Putting one hand on her shoulder he looked her in the eyes. "Do not cry I will see what I can. Y-you will get father back?" Kai said tearing up to which the blonde nodded. He soon left them and set off towards the mine was and upon arriving he saw men in chains working while the gangsters slacked off. He moved fast knocking out the ones outside and freed the men there before heading into the mine.

Entering he came across more gangsters knocking them out here and there no one putting up much of a challenge. He arrived at a large circular room in the mine where the rest of the Men were working with the last bit of guards present. Placing himself under an invisibility genjustu he learned from Kurama he carefully made his way over to a group of prisoners. "Hey don't look but Im here to get you all out I will cut your chains but don't move till I give the signal." They all quickly nodded as he cut them lose and did the same to the others. Making his way back to the entrance he undid the justu. "Hello seems I'm lost can you help me?" The guards spun around. "You who are you?" One of them asked spooked. "Well I was taking a stroll and before I knew it I was here." This made them mad as they all lined up to beat the blonde leaving the now free prisoner to gather behind them. "Kage bunshin no justu." The clones appearing blocking the entrance. "Seems you guys are surrounded. Ha what are you talking about blonde."They then noticed the freed prisoners and began to shake in fear.

It didn't take long for them to them to finish the gangsters. After tying them up the miners thanked him for what he did. The also said that further down were more cells and could have more people. Making his way further into the mine he arrived at the makeshift cells which seemed empty till he got to the last one. Inside he saw a young man no older then him with brown hair and from the looks he was being starved. Making his way into the cell, the boy never raised his head. "C-come t-to beat me more have you?" He silently sat waiting for the beating. "No I'm nether here to hurt you or yell at you I'm here to free you." The boy looked up into the blondes eyes looking for a hint of deceit but found none. Naruto untied the man and helped walk him to the entrance. "W-why are you helping me? Because you were in need of it."Replied the blonde."T-th-ank y-you," He said making the blonde smile at him. "Come on lets get you out of this mine." Said the blonde with the boy returning a smile.

Chapter end.

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