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After the fight between our duo and the assassins.

Naruto meet back up with Chusei in the ball room where the client was at. "Miss Hana we've chased off the assassins." Hanna sat down as the stress was getting to her. "So do you think they will return" her voice filled with worry."I believe so miss. My partner and I will continue to protect you till they are taken care of."just nodding she noticed the person Naruto was carrying."What about that one?"She pointed to the tied up person. This time Naruto spoke up. "Let us handle this one." She noded again and left them to adequately prepare for the next encounter.

They took the prisoner to the hotel they were staying at. Removing the ravens mask they found out it was a she. Around the same age as them, Chusei bandaged her up the best he could while respecting her privacy. She sleept for two whole days before waking up.

"...ugh..."she groaned. Her whole body hurt and tried to get up to fall back on the bed. Looking around the hotel pondering how she ended up here and soon she heard the door open and a figure step into the room. "Ah you're awake how do you feel?" He spoke to loudly as she held her head in hope of calming her headache. "Oh sorry about that. You've been asleep for two days." he smiled brightly at her."T-thank you."She blushed a little."Where am I and who are you?"The raven inquired while observing the boy in front of her."Well, I'm Naruto and you're at a hotel that my partner and me have been staying at."The raven nodded and now it was the blondes turn to ask."So if it's not to much can I ask you who the other two masked men were? Her eyes widened.

Realizing he was one of the two ninjas that were protecting the target and once again she tried to get up to no avail. "Wow calm down you don't need to worry." He stated after seeing her tense up. "Why should I answer you. I have my pride as a ninja and I wont sell out my comrades."She stated while looking away from him. In honesty he respected that she would protect her comrades. "Even though they used you as a shield then left you to be captured?" He instantly asked breathless waiting for her reaction.

The raven tensed up once again as she remembered the events of the attack and how she was mistreated. She had respected her leader at one point but now he threw her away like trash. "Why should I trust you? After all I was betrayed by my comrades, how can I trust you?"It was accurate she had no reason to believe in him and add the situation that didn't help. He sat next to her on the bed."I equally know how it feels to be betrayed by those you depended on. No one should have to suffer that.Plus if you help inform me where they are, I can get revenge for you." He said while subconsciously activating talk no jutsu. The raven was shocked and looking at him she could recognize the pain in his eyes. That alone showed he experienced pain about having those you trust turn on you.

Sitting in silence for a few minutes arguing with herself over trusting him."I-I will tell you but I want to go with you." He gently shook his head. "You're injured I cant risk you getting hurt again." The raven glared at him. "No, I need to do this to show him I'm not someone who can be disposed of." The blonde smiled while placing a hand on her shoulder confirming his support. Before long Chusei came back from shopping and Naruto properly explained the situation and he mutually agreed. Soon they all sat down and had dinner together going over plans for the ambush. The raven now introduced as Amane promptly told the duo that her ex-teammates were holding up in a cave just outside of town. She also revealed their names as Abe and Shoji, Abe being the one Chusei fought and Shoji the team leader who fought Naruto.

Using the next few days to carefully plan out their attack while Amane was recuperating. They informed miss Hana about their plan, and she agreed and even supplied them with what they needed.

Outside of the cave:

"Alright are we all ready?" Naruto asked both of his teammates to which they quickly noded. "Let's get started then." The blonde chirped as he threw some explosive kunai at the cave to scare them out. It worked like a charm as the two men in question rushed out to see who was attacking them. All of them instantly jumped from the bushes and landed gently in front of them. "Ah so Amane looks like you miraculously survived after all huh? Shoji chuckled while Amane gritted her teeth and balled up her hands into fists.

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