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Following the events of the mine:

              The next few days flew by as the once trapped miners were able to go home to their families. While the town was finally able to recover sufficiently without the trouble of the local hoodlums anymore. Naruto stayed in Oashisu to wait for the person he rescued to awake; the villagers tried to get him to stay with them but he didn't want to impose so he rented a hotel room.

             "Uh...Where am I?"The boy asked in a daze."You don't remember I saved you from the mine, and we are currently in a hotel."Replied the cheerful blonde."If it's not too much to ask why'd they imprisoned you like that?"The boy sat in silence looking at the blonde as if peering into his soul." If you don't want to tell me I understand."Naruto said with a kind smile."No, I feel I can trust you."He replied in a stoic voice."You sure that's a good Idea? We only just met I could be after your clan secrets."The boy shook his head to the blonde."Your eyes...I can tell by your eyes are displaying the truth."The blonde shrugged his shoulders."If you say so."

             "Well we haven't been introduced my name is Naruto Uzamaki and yours? I am Chūsei kokoro."He replied before getting off the bed and bowing with his head on the ground."Naruto-sama I must thank you for freeing me." He said in a stoic voice. The blonde was speechless at how robotic he sounded. "No need to thank me it's what anyone would have done." Chusei merely shook his head. "Not anyone would risk his life to save others without thinking of themselves." 

              Naruto shrugging merely replied. "Guess I'm different then. That aside how about we get some fresh air?"Chusei nodded, and they left their hotel for a stroll around the town. What surprised the blonde as they were walking was the number of people who came to thank him and shake his hand. Chusei just smirked at the blonde who was embarrassed from the praise. 'He is different from other I have seen just maybe.' He thought to himself. "You okay Chusei? Sorry I was just lost in thought."The blonde looked at him concerned but nodded and let it slide.

              They ended up in a park and took a small break. "Naruto-sama may I ask what your plans are?" Chusei said breaking the silence. "Well I don't really have a plan or destination in mind for now I just wander from place to place." They sat in silence again till Chsuie spoke up. "Do you mind if I came with you?" The surprised the blonde he wasn't expected this. "Why don't you have somewhere to go?" The brown haired boy shook his head. "No I have no place to call home, so I have been wandering." 'So he is like me.' The blonde thought to himself. " I have no problem with it, and it will be good to have help as I have no sense of direction it seems." He said sheepishly while rubbing the back of his neck. Naruto then told him of his adventures of how he got lost in the woods for weeks and chased by animals. 'How is he still alive' He thought while deadpanning at the blonde.

              They eventually went back to the hotel to properly pack and rest for the journey. It was another few weeks of hiking through the woods while also practicing. Chusei was helping Naruto with his chakra control as he still required help with his massive supply. After training they both got quickly set up a campfire and got to gathering necessary supplies for dinner. With Naruto not allowed to cook due to his stating previously all his food was horrible. Quietly eating they look at the night sky till one of them broke the silence. "So Chusei I was wondering about your home." 

              The brown haired boy looked into the distance with a small sad smile, seeing this the blonde mentally kicking himself for being an idiot. " I'm sorry if it's something bad you don't have to force yourself. No, it's fine Naruto you were just curious." Seeing how he looked to be contemplating Naruto waited for him patiently."Have you heard of Kiri? The hidden mist I don't know much about it."The blonde replied." My clan lived in Kiri and it's where I grew up it was a beautiful place but things changed. The fourth Mizukage enacted a purge to kill off people with bloodlines. My clan was nearly wiped out and not many of us survived the escape from kiri, after escaping we all scattered so I don't know where the others are."

               Naruto was in shock that someone would do something so cruel and evil to their own people. Though he too knew what It meant to be singled out for being different from everyone else. "That's unforgivable why would the Mizukage do that. Why slaughter innocent people!"He said pissed."I can't answer that as I don't know myself. It's just happened so suddenly that no one knew what to do."Naruto put his hand on the mans shoulder and smiled at him."Sounds like this guy need a good punch to the face, I should head over there and show him my mind."Chusei looked shocked either the blonde was crazy or he meant every word either way he was glad he found a trust worthy companion. They continued talking about things they had witnessed in their travels before going back to the tent for sleep.


               *Boom* Crack *Boom* Dam..."Dam brat!" Said a man hitting a tree over and over. "Boss calm down you need more rest!" He neither heard nor cared as he was pissed beyond belief upon his loss. "When I see that brat again I'm going to beat him till he pleads for merc!!" Clap clap clap. Hearing footsteps coming from the other side of the clearing, they turned to see a shadowy figure. "I see your desire and it interests me do you seek power?" The figure asked with a grin. "Yes I want to be stronger to beat the snot out of a certain brat. kukuku then I can give you that power all you need is follow me and power will be yours."He thought it over this man was suspicious, but he didn't care all he wanted was revenge."Boss don't listen to him."His men told him wary of the figure."I don't care...I accept your offer I want as much power as I can get!"The figure's smile grew bigger."Kukuku seems I wasn't wrong about you. Follow me, and you will get your revenge."The figure said walking away with him following and his men. 'Next time we meet brat your dead!' He said smiling to himself.

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