Chapter 17 - Spy?

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The trio and the fourth division moved silently through the trees towards their aim. It took 2 hours for them to arrive at the main path by the cliffside. The path was perfect for an ambush, a lone path with good cover to wait for the prey to arrive. Signaling the others to take up positions in the trees and bushes on the side of the road, they began the waiting game. A few more hours past and people were getting bored with waiting and soon the carts appeared on the horizon. '4 carts with 15 guards from the looks of it.' The brown-haired boy thought. Waiting till the carts drew near, he dropped his hand for the operation to begin. They launched several explosive kunai spooking the oxes and the guards while also creating a smokescreen. "Dam I can't see," the lead driver cursed having to abandon the cart to avoid being struck with shurikens.

"Water style: water bullets!" two of the fourth division roared, knocking out half the guards in one swift motion, "Blasted rebels I'll." He was cut off as a blade pierced him from behind, turning the last thing he saw was a tuff of blonde hair before the darkness took him. The remaining loyalist put up a little of a fight before being captured. "That's the last Sir's and mam, we have detected no reinforcements." He informed the trio before returning to monitor the surrounding area. "Man, that was lame I thought it would be a better warm-up." Naruto pouted which earned a chuckle from his team, "Yes, but now we can return faster than expected." The blonde sighed and shook his head in agreement. "Good, now half remain on watch and everyone else search the carts."

Approaching the carts they heard a low ssss sound that would be close to undetectable if not for a certain blonde, "scatter!" He shouted surprising the others, but they didn't question him and most avoided an explosion, but some of them got caught by shrapnel. "Dam bastards!" Amane growled as she went to check on the injured men and women, "ha, that's what you traitors get!" One of the captured nin's laughed with a smile, "Bastard!" The blonde shouted as he punched the man who continued laughing. "How did you know we'd attack?" He merely smiled back at the trio and told them to shove it before being knocked out by the raven. "This isn't good, they expected us which likely means we have a traitor in our midst." Chusei deduced with the others in agreement. Once everyone was good enough to move, they took the prisoners and made the long track back to base.

Rebel base:

Upon returning, they delivered their report to Mei, who scowled upon hearing how the mission turned out and the chance of a spy being among them. "I can't believe it, how have we not noticed this spy?" She asked turning to Ao who had a hand to his chin in thought, "whoever they are is very good." to which he received a hmm in reply. "First well done with the mission even though it turned out as it did. Second, I need you three to help Ao here and root out this traitor as you four are the only people I can trust at the moment. This matter is of most importance... now dismissed." They saluted her before leaving the tent to look around the camp for info. The trio split up to cover more ground Amane went to check around the medical tent's, Chusei went towards the quartermaster and armory and Naruto towards the rows of tents where people slept.

Naruto checked tent by tent and saw nothing too out of the ordinary. As he was about to leave a tent, something caught his eye. "Huh, what's that?" checking beneath one cot he saw the dirt had been loose as if someone covered up something. Summoning clones he dug and found a small chest and after making sure it wasn't booby-trapped, he opened it to find a scroll. Inside it was a report on troop movements, supplies and plans the resistance would make. As he looked over the many documents, he heard a noise he saw a figure backing up outside the tent. "You!" The blonde shouted as the figure took off, he chased him through compound jumping over tents and boxes. Naruto nearly had him until he turned the corner and entered the mess, full to the brim with people. "Dam it." He cursed turning around and heading back to the tent to collect the document and the chest.

Once he finished sealing up the contents he found both Chusei and Amane and returned to the main tent. Once inside, he informed both Mai and Ao about the chest and document he found along with the figure he chased. "I don't want to believe it, but this proves it. How haven't we noticed this spy before?" She inquired turning to her aid. "Whoever this person is good enough to sneak around without being caught." He replied while still in deep thought. "Where was this chest located?" he questioned the blonde he told him. "That area belongs to the second division, their in charge of defense. This isn't good if one of them has betrayed us who knows what other surprises they left around. We need to call them in here and question them." Mai agreed and sent the guards to round up members of the second.

It only took a few minutes before they were in front of her while the trio was off to the side observing. "My lady, why have you summoned us?" The captain questioned, "It's recently come to my attention that a spy may be in our midst and we are searching for leads." She made sure they were caught up so far. "They found this chest here in one tent belonging to the second division. Inside were tactical plans and troop movements along with intelligence. Now my question is why was this there?" She eyed the group with suspicion. "My lady I along with my men do not understand how it got there, right?" He stated turning to the others who nodded. "That so? I didn't want to do this but as of this moment, you're all relieved off your duties until we finish this investigation. You will also be questioned periodically about this and other occurrences." She informed the group who protested until she silenced them with a glare. "I know you might be innocent but this is a precaution think nothing of it." She replied ordering them off to the brig.

After they were gone she released a sigh. "I thank you three for your efforts in finding this information. Sadly, we're no closer than we were." The trio agreed thinking of how to discover the culprit. "For now, your dismissed but keep an eye out. If there is one, there are others no doubt." She informed them before sending them out. "What do you guys think?" Naruto asked the duo. "I'm unsure they don't seem the type." Amane nodded in agreement. "I noticed nothing off about them. What if they real spy left it there knowing we might find it?" The raven suggested, which made their eyes widen. "And make us focused on them then the real culprit," Chusei added. "So what's our next step?" Naruto inquired. "You said you chased a person to the mess, maybe someone there might know who," Chusei suggested. with that, they set off for the mess hall to find more clues to the mysterious spy.

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