Weak vs Strong

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Arriving at the clearing, he overlooked the campsite from the trees an carefully noted the positions of the guards. Wisely deciding it was best to wait for nightfall before he made his move. Upon nightfall and not noticing any movement in the camp he set out. On the far side one of the guards was taking a leak and was subdued quickly as for the others they were nodding off. It didn't take long to sneak up on them and knock them out, with lookouts down he carefully made his way to one of the tents. Reaching for the tent he instantly felt a shiver down his spine and jumped back narrowly dodging a sword. The bandits who were lying in wait quickly surrounded him making sure he couldn't escape, but they didn't see the smirk the blond had.

"So I'm sure you wonder why I gathered you here tonight he said slyly with a smirk still on his face." They charged at him striking with clubs, swords and knives he easily sidestepped one smashing his fit in the mans gut dropping him instantly. Another brought his sword down on Naruto's head but he quickly blocked with his kunai and swiftly kicked the main in the ribs before turning to face the others. Disarming two with knives, he focused on the man with the club knocking him into his comrades and following up with a punch to each of them. The rest followed swiftly thereafter on the ground in pain.

"I see they were match for you brat!" Turning Naruto saw the leader of the bandits leaning lazily against a tree."From your moves I can tell you've had some form of ninja training but since I don't see a headband on you likely means you've left. Not that it honestly matters much to me who you are or where you came from since you'll be in the ground soon."Naruto carefully studied the mans posture and movements and knew precisely that he was a ninja of at least chunin rank but that was as much as he could determine."What give you the right to steal from these innocent villagers when they've done nothing wrong?" This question sent the man into a little laughing fit and earned a glare from the blonde.

"I-I don't need a reason as I can take what I will for it's the strong who live while the weak suffer in this world, Tozoku said with a wide grin." This got the blondes blood boiling at how little he cares for the villagers as if they didn't matter in the slightest. "Bastard you cant just treat people like that! Oh and why not in this world its the strong eat the weak not some fantasy world where people all live happily together." The bandit responded clearly annoyed. "Well that all changes today as I'm going to stop you from hurting the villagers and get back the things you stole from them." Cried the blonde. "Sigh, I usually don't like fighting especially kids but since you've hurt my men and become a nuisance seem like I have no other choice."

With words out of the way both leapt a good distance from one another and got into their stances while eyeing the other looking for weak spots. Tozoku was the first to move dashing forward and swigging at Naruto head the blonde who was initially surprised by his speed dodged in time. Countering with a kick to the ribs he sent the man back for a second before he recovered and attacked once again. Both set with the intent to kill they kicked, punched and dodged trying to get past the defense of the other. Naruto having been struck in the side with a fist and having the air knocked from him was sent back from a kick smashing into a tree. "Hmm lasted longer then I expected but no matter this is where it ends for you Tozoku said with a fierce scowl.

" Eath style: Tamaishi Danmaku (pebble barrage)!" Rocks began to float into the air before shooting at the blonde at fast speeds. Jumping to his left Naruto dodged the relentless barrage by a hair and was quickly pelted with another. He was flung a bit by the debbries but got up fine with the kyubi healing his minor scrapes. "Ha looks like you were all talk so how about this Earth style: Kajuu No Doro (mud weights)!" With no time to react oozy mud began to cover his legs ensnaring him. Keeping him from running and upon the move striking the bandit jumped at him piercing him with a kunai. "Looks like I won boy!!" It took a second before he noticed something was amiss and he saw it was a log... "dam brat used the substitute. "

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