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Quick a/n. This chapter is where it all begins.. you also might hate a character after this chapter. ( please DO NOT do what they do... that's not a good thing!! ) besides that, ENJOY!! // slight nsfw towards the end \\

Oh also big time skip- Friday, October 16th.


Today was finally the day.

Everyone at school was on edge. It was like a puppy choosing it's owner, you would never know who they were going to pick.

"I heard that they haven't even sent the invitations out yet..." some kid said in the back of the class.

"Yeah,  I heard they're doing it differently this year, if you get a text message you're on the waiting list, but if you get the actual card you made it into the party."

For the first half of the day that's all I heard. People asking if they got a text message or a card. Finally, the bell rang, signaling that it was break time. I decided to meet up with Sally.

"Hey y/n things are going crazy. The teachers are so annoyed from everyone talking about the party." She said fixing her hair.

"Hmmm speaking of which.... Have you gotten anything? Or heard from Wil or Niki?"

"Nope." She replied, quickly grabbing her phone when she felt it vibrate.

"Oh wait- i just a text from Wil. He would like to get spaghetti tonight... he said it's a double date with Puffy and Niki." The way she said it confused me. Sally sounded exhausted.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing- well, ugh.. I love Wilbur. I really do but I just want some alone time with him. i know that sounds bad and I understand that Niki is his best friend but still! I'm his girlfriend!"

I nodded my head. "Tell him. Just say you would like to go eat, just you two for some alone time."

She smiled and nodded, quickly typing then sending the message.

That's when the bell rang, saying our break was over.

We hugged and said our goodbyes, walking in opposite directions.


"Restricted movement in all hallways." I heard over the intercom. "Please make sure your phone is on silent" the lady added on.

The teachers did the same procedure, locking the doors and pulling down the blinds but everyone knew what it was for.

I heard lockers open, foot steps and laughing and soon later a bunch of phones went off.

Well except mine.

"Aww hell yeah man! I made it onto the waitlist this year!!" Some guy said, I think they call him H.. or bomb... maybe HBomb, I don't know.

After a good 10 minutes or so, the restricted movement was lifted and everyone rushed out of classrooms, (also because the final school bell rang) pushing people out of the way and lots of yelling.

I waited a littile bit like always, already seeing tons of Snapchat's of people upset or people holding the invitation card.

One girl was already in her car crying. How did she teleport like that my gosh.

I looked up from my phone to be greeted by the one and only Alex Quackity.

"Hey y/nnnnn~" he said in his usual tone, dragging out the last bit of my name.

"Hello Alex." I said turning my phone off and staring at him.

"I think you should go check your locker...." He said.

After Party // Quackity x Reader // DerrNapWhere stories live. Discover now