12. Hello?

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*The truth trilogy part 1- confusion*

WARNINGS: stalker behavior

Unknown number
You didn't forget about me...did you?

Who are you

You know me

I clearly don't

Well your little boyfriend Alex doesn't love you

After that night? Please that boy was begging for me


I rolled my eyes and sighed, continuing on with my school work. It had been a week since *that* happened and I was trying to focus on all of my school before winter break started. I was supposed to go on a Christmas trip with Wilbur and Niki like we usually do but Puffy and Sally are going with them.

I was going to ask Alex if he wanted to go with us but then I remembered that there was supposed to be an "epic cool party" (according to Dream) and I already got invited but I don't think I want to go.

I think I've done enough with getting drunk this semester.

Just then I got a call from that random person that kept texting me about Alex.

I sighed and answered the phone, putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" I asked and I heard a distorted voice from the phone.

"Hey Y/n, don't you remember me? I was friends with you and Niki before that stupid Wilbur moved to town."

I shook my head, just trying to think about anything but my mind kept blanking.

"No, sorry. I just don't know who you are." I tried to sound apologetic but I guess they just didn't understand.

They sighed. "I'll give you a hint but you have to answer my question"

This time I was the one who sighed, "no. just tell what you know about Alex."

They snickered a bit. "Well, your beloved Alex is using you, for money."

I cringed at the thought of that. "I don't think that's right."

"Oh but sweetheart it is! $1000 to be correct. I could send you the video but I want something in return."

I ended the call.

I don't know what they wanted from me but I already knew with the people at our school they were just going to ask for nudes.

I tried to focus on homework but I couldn't without asking Alex about what the hell they were about.

I grabbed my phone, looking for his contact name and pressing call, waiting for him to answer.

straight to voicemail.

I sighed. I already knew that I wasn't going to able to focus, not with THAT on my mind.

I fell onto my bed and opened my phone, Niki was hanging out with her girlfriend and Wilbur was recording a song with the band that he was in. Sally was at her swimming lessons, well her teaching kids how to swim so I only had one person left.



As I was cuddling with an asleep Karl, I felt his phone go off, which is strange. His voice rarely goes off.

I picked it up, just trying to silence his phone but I forgot that my face ID was already in his phone and it took me to the message.

Y/n!!! <3

Hey Karl, you told me to text you whenever I felt down or I just wanted to talk so here I am...So pretty much to sum it up I was texted by a weird number that claims to know me, and kept saying that Alex was in a bet and got like $1000 to have sex with me.. I don't know if you know anything about that but you are one of his closets friends and I'm scared to text anyone in that group...so could you please tell me that they're lying....


Since I didn't want to hurt Y/n, and I knew Karl would've freaked out and told her the truth, I just... politely lied.

KARL!!! <3

Oh? Well that's strange. Who would ever come up with that? I promise you its just a rumor to get to your head, don't worry about it :)

Y/n!! <3

Oh thank goodness! Thank you Karl, I was worried.

KARL!! <3


I sighed, setting the phone down. But then I picked up mine because I might have messed up everything.

I called him because texting was just to slow.

"Hello?" I heard him say, he sounded out of breath but it was probably from a run, it was still light outside.

"Okay so I might have messed up. Someone texted Y/n about you bet with Quackity and now she thinks she's apart of a bet, which is true but she texted Karl but Karl is asleep and he is just so cute asleep so I texted for him saying that everything was fine."

"Fuck- uh I mean uhm I'll fix this."

I sighed and thought a bit harder.

"Wait- is George there?" I asked and I heard a giggly laugh, like more giggly than Georges.

"ha, nah I'm with his maid Molly, I'm trying to get back at George." he replied.

"You know what- you do that. I'm just gonna go to sleep with my boyfriend that I am in a very heathy relationship with." I heard him laugh and we said our goodbyes.

Well, I fucked up...



Hello my beautiful nerds!!!

sorry I am incredibly tired and by the time this chapter gets published I might be home...because I've been in a total different state. #boring #stuck #Idon'twanttobehere


goodnight lovelys

drink some WATER

eat if you can

take your meds bro..DON'T DIE BEFORE THE BOOK ENDS

oh also sleep. thats important ig..

(There are so many spelling errors in this authotrs note)

stay hot as fuck dude <3

I hope they text you back homie.


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{ • word count : 982 words • }


After Party // Quackity x Reader // DerrNapWhere stories live. Discover now