If you will take me

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Modern AU
Third pov

"So are you sure you're ready to do this?" Mitch asked as he whispered to Louis.
Louis, his friends Clem, Mitch and Ruby, and his girlfriend y/n had all decided to take a trip to universal for their summer. They had been long overdue for a meeting since they had started their own lives. They were used to seeing each other day to day so the long separation put them all at eagerness for this trip. They had met each other at their airport destination and taken a Uber to their hotel.
"Yes, we've known each other for so long now. I mean it just feels right... right?"
"I think it does! I mean it's perfect timing!" Clem nodded excitedly
"I hope so."

Y/n had decided to take the first shower, knowing she'd be the quickest and the least needing of hot water. So she turned the shower on to a medium heat and started to wash herself off.

"I mean really when you think about it this is optimal time!" Mitch said with a sprinkle of giddiness in his still quiet voice.
"I do too. That's why I want it to happen on this trip. There's just so much going on I want to make sure it's perfect. Like so so perfect."
"It will be perfect no matter what. She loves you and she'll be so happy no matter where it's at."
"I'm nervous. I'm so nervous."

Y/n had been enjoying herself that she forgot others needed their showers as well. She hopped out of the shower quickly and shoved her shorts on. She threw on a t shirt and fought with the neck hole as she shoved her head through it. Her body was still damp and didn't help her hair was still dripping.

"Well sleep well tonight because it's gonna be a big day tomorrow. You have the ring right?"
"Yes I double and triple and quadruple checked."
"Good." Everyone nodded in sync and they broke from their circle.
Louis walked out of the second bedroom and to his bed where he had his suitcase still open on the bed. He saw the dark green velvet box sticking out and cursed to himself. He quickly tucked the box back in and heard the bathroom door open. He closed his bag, zipping it with fervour, and set it on the floor.
"What's up with you jumpy?" Y/n laughed as he teased her boyfriend.
"Sorry. Just tired and kinda on edge." Louis sighed. She walked up to him and wrapped her arms around him.
"Okay baby. Why don't you get into bed. It's been a long day. Want me to get you a water?"
He nodded and decided to skip his shower. He thought since he showered this morning that it wouldn't be a terrible idea. He changed into his pajamas which was just a big shirt and basketball shorts. He got into the bed which crinkled with every movement. Y/n brought over his water and set it on the bedside table. She leaned down and pressed her lips to his forehead. She made it seem like a kiss but she was really checking his temperature to make sure he wasn't getting sick or overworked.
Y/n pivoted to walk away but she was stopped.
"Come cuddle with me." Louis begged.
She was swayed too easily by this man. She took one look at his soft smile and she had to listen. She got in on the other side and scooted in next to him. He pulled her in by the waist and inhaled her scent. He felt completely and totally at home even though they were thousands of miles away.
It was still new to him to be sharing a bed with her. They had only been living in the same house for around six months but they've been dating for years.
Their early twenties had given them an interesting relationship, mostly from friends to virtual lovers to now in person lovers. This didn't stop him from knowing how much he wanted to be with her forever though.
He felt her move and bury herself deeper into his hold. She was feeling really safe and happy in the moment and Louis was feeling the same. He always loved seeing her close her eyes to rest on him. As creepy as it sounds he loved watching her sleep. He liked knowing she was safe and happy. Y/n on the other hand loved sleeping on him because it made her at peace that Louis was with her. Y/n found a lot of peace in having a lover. She was always obsessed with being in a stable happy relationship so when she finally found Louis she was determined to make it work.

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