(Beautiful with you pt 1) Seperation

686 16 4

Modern AU
Requested by xXBlade_ShimashiraXx

"Cmon lou! Let's go!" A shrill little giggle ran throughout the summer air of a quaint little neighborhood.
Y/n, a spry young and soulful little girl who was never stopped by a lack of energy, ran for the edge of the hill behind her house.
Louis, a charming young rich boy, followed in her footsteps.
While louis was just slightly older, he always seemed to act y/ns age.
Y/n and Louis were best friends. Better friends than anyone their age.
Y/n always tells her mommy that she loves Louis more then her toys.
Louis always tells y/n that he loves her more then money.
Long story short, they were closer than seams in a pair of pants.
Around age 10 though, their worlds came crashing in.
Y/n and Louis were separated.
Y/n was told that since her momma got a new job in a different state, they'd have to go on a new adventure.
But this adventure meant leaving Louis behind.
Y/n didn't really understand that she'd never see her best friend again.
Louis understood though.
Louis has seen it happen.
It happened in his family.
The sadness of separation. The tragedy of what distance does to people.
Louis refused to believe that that would ever happen to them, besides, they've been friends for half of their lives!
Louis was most definitely sad when he'd come over and see the boxes being stacked and prepared.
He hated the horrible pit that set into his stomach whenever he remembered the separation that would soon happen.
Sometimes at night he'd hold his best friend as if those were their last moments together.
Louis didn't understand why they had to be separated.
He didn't understand why the world hated him so much that it had to separate his family and then his best friend from him.
The day came where he'd cry harder then he ever has, where he'd look at his best friend one more time.
Where he'd share his biggest secret with her, in hopes she'd remember it forever, and then in turn remember him forever.
"Wait! Y/n! Before you go, I need to tell you something."
"What is it Lou?"
"I just want you to know... that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
At age 10, y/n understood the importance of those words.
She knew and understood what Louis's home life was like.
She knew that it wasn't great and that he needed help sometimes.
She remembered how he would come over crying and she would hold toys out and make him laugh.
She remembered how he would hug her tight like she did to her teddy bears and Barbie dolls.
She remembered how important he made her feel.
And at age 10, she had more feelings now, she she'd ever know.
Louis started to tear up.
He saw her smile and frown at the same time.
He knew she'd be leaving.
He knew she'd get into that white car and leave him behind.
And he couldn't stand that.
The pit feeling he had come to terms with, but harder then ever.
He felt like throwing up and throwing fists at the same time.
He wanted to punch, kick, scream and cry all at the same time.
He thought that maybe if he protested hard enough that it would stop.
That maybe for even a moment more, he'd get to keep her. He'd be able to take him back home.
Disturbing thoughts for a ten year old raced through his mind.
Thoughts of buying her from her family.
Thoughts of stealing her and keeping her at his house.
He didn't know it, but that wasn't normal.
He didn't know that even though he knew his family was messed up, he was copying them.
Louis shook the thoughts from his brain and pulled her into his chest.
"Please come back for me y/n. I can't be alone for too long."
"I'll be back as soon as I get a pony and I can ride all the way back!" She smiled as she closed her eyes and her cheeks bubbled up in her face.
He giggled back and kissed her on the forehead.
"I'll see you sometime. Goodbye."
"Goodbye Louis. Don't worry! I'll be back before you know it!"

But she didn't.
She didn't come back before he knew it.
Louis waited.
Day after day
Year after year
He waited in the morning, during lunch, at night.
He wanted to see that white car pull up into the now empty house.
He wanted to see his best friend jump out and shout for him.
But she never came.
Louis grew older and less into her.
He started going to school and hating home.
Soon home life got out of hand and he preferred to stay at school.
Years had passed and he gave up hope.
He knew he'd never see her again.
His best friend was gone.
He found marlon.
A boy who shared similar interests as him.
Louis became a teenager.
Louis became distant and almost angry at the broken promise of his childhood soulmate.
He hated that she lied to him
He hated that she gave him false hope.
He hated her.
But there was still a dull burning flame of love somewhere in the darkness of hatred.

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