Troubled past is like glass

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Thank you to Daria_Snow_ for requesting this!

I can't even really remember how I got here. At the now broken and beat down Ericson's.
'The home for troubled youth' they'd all say.
Well maybe I needed it.
I don't remember how I got the bad attitude either.
Maybe from the countless deaths I've seen, or the many people who have backstabbed me (sometimes literally), but somehow I ended up just as fucked up -or maybe even more- then everyone else.
Most of my past was a blur now. Countless miles of running, tears cried for other people, times I've almost given up, and days I've gone without food.
I wound up here after my last group got attacked by a herd.
That's where my brother died.
Well, at least I think.
For the past couple months I've just assumed that everyone was dead when they had that 50/50 chance. 'It's better to not get your hopes up' my uncle used to say before he got his head blown off by a psychopathic dickwad.
As people can easily tell, my life isn't sunshine and rainbows. But whose is?
I ended up staying at Ericson's for about a week now and everyone is super nice but I'm still suspicious. How can so many teenagers make it this far without murdering each other?
I knew most of their names but some I still forgot.

I walked down the hall for breakfast and I sheathed my thrown knives into my leg band and I put my sword into its sheath on my belt.
Yes I have a sword. My dad has all of them before he died and he told me to take them.
No he didn't die of a walker bite. He died of an infection from getting cut by another survivor.
I sighed, pushed open the doors and walked outside.
I sat at the breakfast table and looked at assim from across the table.
"What are you looking at?" I half joked.
"Well you just seem to be such a stone wall. Why don't you ever lighten up a little?"
"Why don't you ever shut up?" I mocked back
"Wow. Come on y/n, just take a crack at it!" Louis laughed.
"How about I take a crack at your spine?" I threw my spoon down and walked away from the table. I went over to the target area and threw my knives.
Why do they always have to mock me? Is it really necessary? Ugh I hate them!
I was stopped when someone grabbed my arm before I threw it.
"Woah, watch it, you could hurt someone with those." He said as he took it out of my hand.
My heart twinged when he grabbed my hand but I shook it off quickly.
"That's kinda the point you idiot." I scoffed.
"Yikes, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bunk bed."
I just shook my head and put all my knives away.
I sat down on a log and huffed.
Louis plopped down next to me and I looked at him.
"I hope you don't mind." He said After he realized I wasn't happy with his touchy feely actions.
"Actually I do." I bluntly said.
"Well I guess it's fortunate then that I never listen to Sour Sallies."
"Sour Sallies?" I raised my eyebrows.
"Yeah. Have you never heard of that term?"
"Never in my entire life and I'm okay with that!" I mocked.
He just smiled and then looked over. I followed his gaze to see a new kid.
"Who's the new girl?" I ask looking in her direction.
"You mean you? You've only been here a week."
I rolled my eyes and said "you know what I mean."
"That's clementine. Her and a little boy named AJ just showed up." He responded.
Clem tucked away her gun and I looked down at one of my silver knives.
"She seems like trouble." I mumbled.
"How so?"
"Um how about the fact that she's carrying around a murder weapon?" I pointed out.
"You are too." He pointed to the knife in my hand and I put it away with a sigh.
"Just Don't Trust her. She's new."
"And So are you. Does that mean I can't trust you?" Louis asked.
"You know what I mean."
"Do I?"
I coldly stared at him for a minute and then spoke harshly "why do you even care?"
"Because I want you to be safe. And why do you hate everyone so much?"
"Why do you ask so many damn questions?" I defended
"I asked you first!"
"OH MY GOD YOUR SO ANNOYING!" I couldn't take it anymore. I wanted to punch him in his perfect face but I just couldn't.
I unclenched my fist and sighed heavily.
"It's... it's not easy for me to trust people anymore." I started "so many of my people have died or been screwed with or have screwed with me. I've given up on finding the good in people. Everyone who isn't a walker is just someone else to hate."
"You don't hate me. Why is that? Could you find good in me?"
I paused for a moment and then I spoke.
"It's not hard at all to find good in you."
"So does that mean you trust me?"
"NO. I mean yeah, I mean... I don't know." I buried my face in my hands.
I felt Louis put his arm on my shoulder and I looked back at him.
"I'm not good with the whole... emotions thing."
"You don't have to be, not with me at least. I'll understand what your saying."
"You're just so... not like everyone else. You actually have hope for this world and even if you don't you make a joke out of everyone's eminent doom. You're the only person I've seen in a long time who's able to do that. You're funny and charming and a bit of a man hoe but still, you're pretty great."
"Sooooo, does that mean I can be the one and only on your friends list?"
"Okay now you're pushing it!" I joked.
He laughed and looked at me.
"You don't have to be scared of us y/n. At least not of me. I couldn't leave you even if I wanted to, let alone hurt you. You'll always have me."
I looked at him and let my heart lead. I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him close.
"Thank you Louis."
"No problem y/n."
I backed away and we both stood up to leave. Before Louis left I called out to him. He turned to me and I leaned up and kissed his cheek.
"W-we-we-well Thank you." Louis stuttered.
"Man hoe." I mumbled as I walked away.
"Okay love you too y/n."
"Whatever" I shouted back as I flipped him off.
I looked back and he was smiling wide. I smiled back at him and walked inside.
I guess my past is a little like glass. It's hard to see sometimes until it's obvious, it's hard to get around but if you have enough force and power, it's nothing.
Maybe everyone isn't so bad

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