The dangers of love (MS-VI)

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"The cameras are back up beauty queen." Louis shouted from downstairs and I responded with a happy thank you.
Lunch was just about ready and I was getting hungry.
"Hey perfect, I'm going out to get lunch, anything you want in particular?"
"Anything will do for me."
"Okay ill be back later."

Louis walked out of the house so I decided I should clean a little bit. I walked into our room and picked some clothes off of the floor and hung them up. I put the dirty stuff into the washer and cleaned the connecting bathroom to our bedroom.
"What is that?" I ask aloud to myself as I look at the corner of the ceiling to see a splotch on it. I hum in confusion and wipe it off quickly.
I make my way to the bed to change the sheets. I looked over at Louis pillow and saw some blood pooled on his pillow.
"That can't be good." I changed the pillow case and waited for Louis to get home.

"Hey babe I'm home."
"Hey, did you have a bloody nose least night? I was changing the sheets and there was a pool of blood on the pillow."
"Oh no, I punched myself in the face accidentally and bit my own lip so hard it started to bleed, I didn't want to wake you up so I kinda just dabbed my face on the pillow to help it stop. Sorry for ruining the pillow."
"No no, it's okay! Just making sure you were okay!"
"Okay, I'll wash the sheets if you want me to! No reason for you to touch someone else's blood!" He seemed to laugh.
"Its fine. It's not like it's a strangers blood. Just yours."
"Oh okay."
Louis let me take the sheets to the laundry room and I popped them in the washer.

The day had gone by fast and Louis seemed to be on his own schedule. I called for him a couple times but never got an answer.
I started to get nervous, wondering where he would have gone and what would have kept him so long.
I waited by the door pacing back and forth when the door slid open.
I quickly turned to see Louis, he was covered in blood. He looked up at me and shock flew onto his face. He started to hyperventilate.
"Baby, I w-was out and I saw the murders happen. I saw someone start to kill people, they tried to grab me but I ran away in time!" He was panicking for sure now. He was quivering.
"O-okay... okay. Let's get you upstairs and cleaned off."
I took him up to the bathroom and started to run a bath. I instructed him to take off his clothes and put them right in the washer.
He walked back in to the bathroom and looked at me with scared eyes.
"It's okay honey. Do you need to talk to someone about what you saw? I can look for some therapists tonight." I rubbed his bare forearms and he shook his head silently "Well let's get in the bath then. Get you cleaned up."
He stepped in the bath and instantly the coagulated blood seeped into the clear water. It gave a tinted red layer to the top of the water and he sat down gently. I lit a candle of his favorite scent and started to wash him off. Blood dripped out of his hair and into the tub like little messages of death pouring into a purity of cleanliness.
He stayed silent, just looking creepily at the faucet which wasn't running.
"Running." He mumbled.
"What baby?"
"Running." He spoke louder.
I looked over to where he was staring.
"The faucet? The faucets not running sweetheart." I chuckled.
"No." He shook his head. "They."
"They... they are running."

Survival guide to love: Louis x reader Where stories live. Discover now