The Shed (MS-IV)

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Louis froze and turned slowly to see a herd as far as the eye can see walking slowly behind them. If the walkers could run, the boys would all have been dead by now.
Louis slowly started to move his body from his solitary state of panic and he made a run for the gates.
"Come on! Move! They may be slow but if they surround you, you're a goner!"
Mitch and assim were close behind but still to far to be considered okay.
Louis sighed and shook his head before shifting and running at the herd instead of away from it.
"Louis! What are you doing?!" Aasim asked as the other two boys still ran away.
"Go! Get to the school! I'll try to hold them off while I can!"
The boys now made it past Louis and the herd was close behind them. Louis started taking hard swings with intent to kill at the walkers. Louis was starting to feel the strain in his arms as they got closer and clumped around him. He started to feel the pressure and his anxiety was raising. He knew that if he couldn't get out soon, he would die.

Louis's POV
I could feel my muscles straining. Every fiber of my being was fending myself. I started to feel helpless. I knew o wasn't going to make it. To be honest, I had made peace with the fact of my death in that moment not knowing what would happen next.
"Hey assholes! Why don't you leave him alone?!" A voice shouted and a rifle started firing. Before I looked over, I saw walkers hitting the floor faster than I could blink. I looked over to see y/n, my best friend, defending me with an assault rifle.
"Holy shit." I laughed astounded as this was a new sight. While she was very headstrong, she would never intentionally hurt someone, even a walker.
My awe had come to a stop, though, when I saw the walkers start to pile up on us again.
"Okay time to run. Let's get out of here." She shouted. I nodded to her suggestion and started to run away. We had been running for a while when we realized we weren't running toward the school. The walkers had destructed us so much that we weren't paying attention.
"Wait wait! Slow down! We have to figure out where we are!" I shouted. She made her way up to me before skidding to a stop.
She looked around as she breathed heavily and she quickly wiped some damp hair out of her face.
"Where are we?" She huffed.
"I-I don't know. We must have been turned around by the herd."
"Shit." She muttered as she sat down on a log.
We still heard the low grumble of the walkers but we were far enough away.
I sat down as well and tried to catch my breath like y/n.
"I thought I told you not to come out here?" I furrowed my brows as I remembered earlier.
"And I thought you knew that I don't listen to people who don't let me do what I want." She sassed back.
I laughed and watched her as she held onto her arm.
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah! Fine! Just got cut by a tree branch! It's okay though! Just a small scratch!"
"Okay." The zombies gurgled from behind us "We should find a place to sleep. It's too dark for us to go back tonight." I looked to the sky.
"Yeah. We should. I hate it out in the open."
"Come on. Let's go find is a place."
We both got up and walked along the path in the woods until we came across a small shed.
I looked at y/n who just shrugged.
"Seems fine to me. It's just for one night and I don't suspect the herd should come this far."
"Okay." She agreed.
We made our way into the shed and barricaded the door.
"Okay, now we can relax."

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