Scars of Tomorrow (MB-I)

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"In in in!" I shouted as I ran into the gates. The gates slammed close and I looked behind to see walkers being shot down.
I huffed heavily as I covered my bite mark.
"Are you okay?" Clem asked.
"Yeah! I'm good!" I say as I quickly walk in.
"You keep holding your shoulder, are you sure you're okay?" She asks as she followed me in
"I'm fine Clementine!" I snap as I try to escape her.
I walked into my room and closed the door behind me, leaving her out of it.
I took off my shirt and ripped the sleeves off, placing them over the bite mark. I took some extra fabric from the closet in the room and wrap it around my shoulder to keep it in place and put my now sleeveless shirt back on.
I sigh as I realize people will ask and I'll have to deny them.
I walked out of the room and walk to the courtyard where dinner was being served.
"What happened to your shoulder? Are you okay?" Ruby asked.
"Oh yeah! I hit a tree branch on the way back and it knicked my shoulder." I pretended to not let it be a big deal.
"Are you sure you don't want me to look at it?" She asked stepping closer.
"No!" I shout "it's-it's alright! I got it taken care of! It's no big deal really! I wouldn't want to waste your time!" I laughed and walked to sit down at the table.
Many more people asked about my shoulder throughout the night and I told them the same tree branch story. I noticed one person who didn't quite believe my story though and that was Louis, who knew I definitely didn't get this from a tree.

After dinner people had spread out to do their own thing and a few were already in bed.
I walked over to a campfire by myself and saw Louis behind me.
"So you wanna tell me what really happened? Or are you just gonna lie to me too?"
I looked at him and pretended I had no idea what he was talking about.
"Don't pretend! I was behind you the entire time we ran back, I didn't see any tree incident."
I hung my head and decided to tell him.
"Okay okay... I'm going to tell you but you can't freak out and or tell anyone else. Got it?!"
"Got it."
"I promise."
"I SWEAR! Now would you just tell me?"
"Okay." I pulled off the bandages and showed him.
"Holy shit that's a bite mark." His eyes went wide and he backed up.
"I know. I know. But it's okay."
"No it's not! You're dying! You have to figure out how you want to go out!" He started to panic and his voice raised in pitch
"I'm not dying!"
"Yes you clearly are!!" He growled
"Louis! Remember what we said about the freaking out?"
He caught himself and remembered his promise. He took a deep breath and rethought his processing.
"Please, id like for you to explain to me how you're not dying when you have a hole in your shoulder from a zombie!"
"I-I'm immune."
"You're what?!" He shouted.
"Shhhh!" I shushed aggressively and he quieted down.
"You what?!" He whisper yelled.
"I'm immune. Ya know, like the disease doesn't affect me."
"How do you know?"
"I've been bitten before."
I rolled up my black sweatshirt sleeve and presented him my rough arm.
"Wow, it's a bite scar. I've never seen one on someone who's still alive." He ran his fingers over the divots and scar tissue "It's weird. Almost impossible."
"Well it definitely isn't. I am immune."
"Who else knows? Clem? Aj?"
I shook my head.
"No. No one else knows but I knew you wouldn't let it go so I had to tell you. You would have found out anyway."
He just kept nodding his head trying to process what he had just learned. I assumed he didn't know what to say so he just kept bobbing his head. I looked at him, waiting for an answer. My stomach turned and twisted, wondering if he'd shun me off or wrap me up and present me like a trophy. I didn't want either.
"Okay. Thanks for telling me." Louis finally mumbled before getting up.
I shot up quickly, grabbing his hand.
"Yeah?" He asked as he turned back to me.
I could see in his eyes that he was worried for me. The glassy haze filmed his eyes and I couldn't speak for a moment.
"You dont hate me right?"
"Why would I hate you?" His brows clenched together like they were laced with pain.
"I-I don't know. I'm just scared you would."
He grabbed my other hand with his and looked me in the eyes
"Nothing could make me hate you."
And without another word he left for the night.

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