Save the princess

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"Don't worry! I've gottcha!" Louis said as he pulled me up from the ground I had been sitting on. He yanked me up and pulled me along, away from the herd of walkers. We made it into the gate and we bout stopped to take a breather.
"Check then for bites." Clem said to ruby who was basically the nurse for us all.
Ruby pat us down and once she knew we were clear, she let us go.
I walked up to Louises room with him and sat in his bed.
"Well I almost died today." I said half jokingly.
"Knock that one off the old bucket list." He laughed while swinging his arm across his chest like he was hitting something across him.
I laughed and laid down on the bed and he got in next to me.
"I guess I really did save the princess now didn't I?" He flattered himself.
I cocked a brow and looked at him.
"What? I did! You were in distress and I saved you!"
"So I'm a princess?"
"Yes." He replied confidently.
"I'm the farthest thing from a princess, ever."
"No, you are my princess." He kissed my forehand and we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up the next morning with hunting duty. I woke Louis up, him in a cute stressed daze. He grabbed his coat and his chair leg -which I kinda had a distaste for- and we walked out.
We walked around the safezone and Louis started to walk away, seeming like he was chasing something. He scuttled his feet across the ground and has his hands lowered like he was trying to catch something, but couldn't get low enough to grab it.
I laughed at his movements until I realized he was outside of the safezone.
"Louis! Louis, come back!"
He didn't hear me but kept lightly jogging away.
"Louis!" I called after him.
Soon whatever he was chasing had picked up speed and he ran toward it more.
"Louis!" I called running after him.
He still hadn't heard me but focused on the animal.
When I looked for him again he was gone.
"Louis!!? Louis!! Where are you??!"
Nearly a second after that a low gurgling was heard from behind me.
I turned and wacked the nearby walker with a treebranch, stunning it. I stabbed it in the head with my axe and I ran off in the other direction. For a second I had forgotten about my idiot boyfriend who became oblivious to this world. When I remembered, panic set in. If he didn't hear my voice shouting for him, he's not going to hear a walker slowly creeping up.
"Louis??!!" I screeched worryingly "Louis!?"
I spun around to see if I could get him in eyes distance but couldn't see anything!
"Louis where are you?"
Then I spotted him, or at least what I thought was him. Before I made a move I squinted to see if it was him but couldn't see anything. I inched forward and continued to stare.
Out of nowhere a walker flew out from the bush in front of me. I screamed and slashed it in the head. It bled out onto the forest floor and I caught my breath as I backed up. When I thought I was backing up in the clear, my body hit something.
I looked over my shoulder to see decaying fingers on it.
I screamed and then a flash of something sliced the walker from my body.
I looked over to see Louis with blood on his chair leg.
"Louis!" I said in surprise and happiness.
I gripped him tightly around the waist and he hugged me back.
I backed up and he kissed me on the forehead.
Soon rage overtook me and I smacked his arm.
"You're such an idiot! I thought you died! You don't respond to me so I thought some walker would end up taking me from you! Do you have any idea how mad I am at you??" I shouted.
His face molded to regret and he frowned.
"Yeah I know. But I found this little guy!" He held up a frog and I felt like laughing and crying at the same time. I ended up crying with convulsions of my shoulders mixed in.
"So you gave me a heart attack over a frog??"
"Well. I got to save you didn't I?" He asked as he put the frog down.
"You're so annoying Louis! You could have died and you're just thinking about being romantic?" He wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned in.
"Well I got to save my princess now didn't I?" He smirked and I couldn't help but forgive him for everything when I saw that face.
"God you better be so glad you're cute." I shook my head.
"Well being devilishly handsome has kept me alive. Mostly from you but sometimes the walkers just can't seem to bite this gorgeous face!" He laughed. I leaned up and kissed him deeply.
"Well I mean, if I was a walker and I saw you, I'd want to bite you first!" I winked.
"Ew gross y/n. Real gross." He laughed as we walked back.
"Come on princess. Let's feed our little family and then we can cuddle tonight and you can yell at me for everything I've done. Sound good?"
"Yeah." I laughed.
"Good." He said and then kissed my head.
Never really liked being a damsel in distress but if I got to be saved by him every time I thought as I looked at his smiling face which peered back at me I wouldn't mind.

Survival guide to love: Louis x reader Where stories live. Discover now