Louis (MS-V)

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The weekend came and was pretty boring until Sunday afternoon. I was given access to the school library because the librarian liked me very much. She said I was "a good student with a sound head on my shoulders". That's bullshit, but whatever it takes to get me into the library I guess.
I sat in the library for hours before seeing the sun set and deciding it was best to head home before night fall. I put away my book and headed out the door. I locked the door and headed out of the school.

I walked along the sidewalk of the school and felt a breeze draw by. I pulled my arms close to my chest and my body started to shake.
"Hey!" A voice called.
I turned to see Louis.
Okay, am I delusional because I was just reading for hours or is this real?
I squinted at him as he caught up.
"Are you real?" I asked as he walked next to me.
"Umm... yeah?" He looked at me like I had lost my mind.
My glare softened and I pinched the bridge of my nose.
"Sorry. I swear I'm losing my mind."
"Are you okay?"
"No! I'm not okay! I swear I'm talking to you but no one else can see you and when I look back to introduce you, you're gone like Harry Houdini in a cloud of smoke! Where do you go and how do you leave so fast?! Then on my run, I swear I saw some white huge ass wings flying by as fast as the cars! I'm going crazy!"
Louis's face crumpled and I knew he was confused by my words.
"So how do you leave so fast? How do you know where I am all the time?! How can no one else see you? The only thing I can think is that I'm making you up in my mind and I'm going crazy! I can't believe I'm seventeen and still have imaginary friends! God I get I'm single and desperate but Jesus Christ I'm embarrassed for myself."
"I told you, I was a track runner. And I guess the running into each other is coincidence." He shrugged and shoved his hands into his pockets "but I am real. I'm here! See?" He held out his hand and I reached for it. It was real, he was real... and really soft. I held his hand and blushed as he held it back. He walked me toward home but before we made it we had to part ways.
"My house is this way." He leaned his head in the direction of his house.
"Okay, Goodnight Louis."
"Night Y/n. Sweet dreams."
"Yeah, you too."

I watched him walk off and I walked back to my house.
He's real. He's real. He's real.
Holy hell hes real and I just said all that shit about being desperate... shit.

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